Chapter 40: Dead End

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The Saint Empire army fled east along the edge of the ravine. Behind them in close pursuit are the Frosthral ambushers.

Their footsteps were hurried, and their breaths ragged. Their enemies had gained great strength from the War God Tattoo at the cost of their life force.

Those that lagged behind are quickly slain, torn apart by vicious foes who no longer care for the future.

But if they could kite their enemies then these frenzied zealots would die from their own technique before long. After all, to extract such power from a mortal's flesh is unnatural.

In seconds, hundreds were killed yet the Frosthral Barbarians did not had it easy either.

They numbered only in the thousands and even if the Saint Empire army formed neat ranks for them to kill, they will finish their life force before putting in a dent on their enemies' numbers.

Each clash was exceedingly violent. The battles are so brutal that some were left with only half a head and others a hole in their chest, but the War God Tattoo allowed them to continue fighting.

The worst amongst the Frosthral barbarians was someone who was sliced in half. He had lost his lower body, but still crawled forward at great speed. Dust raised as his hands dug deep into the ground as he shot forward.

Ignoring fatal injuries as though it was a scratch, the enemies hounded the Saint Empire troops like wraiths.

Though the War God Tattoo's effects can be called cheating even in the nature of war, the Saint Empire side could lower their losses just by fleeing.

At the same time, Kairos and the others are providing support fire as much as they could. The best is still Esley's technique. His vines could bind and fight off the enemy, although it wasn't enough to completely stop the Frosthral's advance, it was enough to slow them down.

But after retreating a short distance, they were horrified to find a second group of Frosthral barbarians barring their way.

These guys have activated the War God Tattoo stratagem down the ravine miles away, and was lying in wait. Undoubtedly, if the army had retreated west instead, there will also be a group waiting there.

In fact, the ambushers stationed in the west must be rushing over right now, and soon there will be three groups of War God Tattooed warriors assailing them.

It was a dead end.

In the world of chess this will be called a checkmate.

Normally it would be ridiculous for an army numbering over two hundred thousand to be stopped like this, but the ones blocking their way aren't normal. No, they can still break through by force if they are prepared for a number to die in the process.

With the ravine blocking their path to safety, the only option was to face these suicidal zealots.

Now it has become clear the reason that they could previously pass through all the dangerous ambush spots without harassment.

Esley roared with a frown on his brows, "Defence positions, stat!"

After giving his command, his men took over to put it into action.

Avgust: "FALL IN!"

Diao Ling: "Vanguards to the front! Shields up and form a line!"

Lorelai: "Flame Cloud, provide cover fire! Prioritise on crowd control!"

The Snowdrifts must not lag behind either. Their control falls into Kairos' able hands, who as a young commander had already proven himself.

He also shouted his command, "S2, B2!"

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