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Dark and bold.

Skin shines like gold.

Face wrinkle-free, never gets old.

And she's sexy when she's cold.

She's a warrior.


"Say it, bitch." You said, gripping on Jisung's hair tighter. His two friends were kneeling in front of Jungkook, having the two hands together. Some students circled around the scene as some walked passed and whispered to each other. "I'm sorry Jungkook. I saw them in the hallway and their existence pissed me off; say sorry!"

"I am sorry for throwing your stuff!" Jisung yelled, his two friends said the same thing. You kicked the back of his legs to make him kneel in front of Jungkook. "I'll buy you whatever you need!"

"No, it's fine. Keyna, stop it. You're making a scene." Jungkook mumbled the last part, looking at you with urgency.

"He's rude, Jungkook. He needs to pay." You pouted, still gripping on Jisung's hair.


"Beat his ass, Kenya!" You heard Jin-young said in the distance. Jihyo waved her arms in the air, cheering for you as you looked at them and smiled.

"Kenya, please. No fighting..." Jungkook said, putting his hands up in the air; walking slowly to you to put his hand on your shoulder. You looked at him in his eyes; you slowly ungripped Jisung's hair and threw him to the ground, looking at Jungkook with a frown. "Thank you,"

"Yeah," You said, crossing your arms as you kick one of Jisung's friends in his hip.




"What are you doing this weekend?" Jungkook asked, sitting next to you underneath the Sakura tree as he draws a blue jay bird for his art class.

"I have no idea. My mother always has something for me to do." You said, fiddling with your uniform skirt. "Why, what's up?"

It's been two months since you and Jungkook became friends. After school, you would sit underneath the same tree for hours or Jungkook would walk you home. Jungkook has been getting more comfortable with you and you felt the same way. You've notice he's been writing some poems during the past months too...

"Well..." He said, lightly coloring the blue jay. "My aunt is having a wedding party and they're asking me to bring a date."

"Oh! You're asking me out?" You smiled, turning to look at Jungkook's flustered face.

"No! I mean...yes but not in that way!" He said, throwing his hands up in the air and shaked his head. You laughed at his bright pink face, leaning on the tree trunk as you looked at him. "Gosh, stop doing that! You're so evil."

"Stop what? I'm doing nothing, but being pretty."

"Exactly, that's the problem. Stop it." He joked, earning a laugh from you.

"Okay, okay, I'll be serious." You said, calming yourself down before making eye contact at with him. You both stared at each other for a couple minutes before laughing again.

"We'll never get this conversation done..." Jungkook said, putting up his supplies in his book bag. "Here, I'll text you the invitation. Give me your phone."

You don't know why, but you blushed at the sudden command; grabbing your phone from your tote bag and putting in your passcode. You handed it to Jungkook and he typed a couple of things before he handed it back.

"There, that's my number. Text me so I can save you on my phone."

"Awesome! Thanks, I'll text you right now." You said, pressing on the messaging app. You sent him the kissy emoji and waited for his reaction. Jungkook rolled his eyes, and sent a heart.

"Here, let me walk you home." Jungkook said, getting up from his spot and put his hand out to help you get up.

You smile. "You're such a gentleman, Jungkook. Your future wife is going to be really lucky."

"Learned from my father." He smiled, putting his arm out for you to link.

"Would love to give him my prayers," You said, adjusting your bag strap as your head lean on Jungkook's bicep.

"You'll see him this weekend," He smiled.


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