"Why should I believe you?"
"Because you are my everything. My darling, my baby, my lover boy."
An Asian Man, Black Woman Story.
A Poetic Love at First Sight/High-school Lovers Dialogue.
Mature Content.
Contains: Mild-Language, Sexual Actions, and T...
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"Hope you make some new friends! Don't forget us though, okay? Okay Kenya! I love y- what? Jin-young, what are you doing?"
"I want to say bye to Kenya too! Where is she? Oh! There you are! Bye Kenya! We love you!!"
"Hey guys, have you seen my pho- is that my phone? Give me my phone back!"
"We're leaving a voicemail for Kenya! Stop it, Jungkook!"
"You can do it on your own phone, Jihyo!"
"It's been a week, Taehyung. I can't stand it here." You said, stabbing your fork into your food the military provides for the soldiers. You speak in Korean with Taehyung, getting weird stares from the tables nearby because they don't understand.
"I know, Ken-Ken, but we only got to do this for four years. We got together." He said, dropping his fork on his tray and put his pinky finger out.
You frowned, looking up at him as you chew your food. "Ken-Ken?"
"What? Or Ya-Ya? How about that?" He gasped dramatically, patting himself on his shoulder with a smile.
"How about No-no? Stop trying to give me nicknames and tell me how to survive this fucking hell." You cursed, looking down at your tray with misery. Taehyung sighed.
"You're not going to make friends with that type of attitude." He frowned, crossing his arms.
"Guess what? That's why you're bald now. Baldy basic bitch." You said, the last part being English. He gasped dramatically again.
"Bitch!?" His voice was high, giving glances to your table. You didn't care, you were laughing your ass off right now.
You sat at your twin size bed. The little night-stand lamp shining towards your bed as you read your book. You were in black sweatpants and Jungkook's black hoodie, your hair in a fro.
Suddenly, two girls walked up to your bed; making you look up at them. Both black girl, except one was brown-skin and the other light-skin.
"Hey, do you speak English?" The brown-skin one says, making you nod your head. She looks back at the light-skin, then back at you. "How many languages can you speak?"
"Swahili, English, Spanish-"
"Oh my god! I love your accent, where are you from? Sounds African~" The light skin said, making you raise an eyebrow.
"I was born in Cuba, but my dad's from Kenya-"
"Oh my god, that's where you got your name fr-"
"Fiona! Shut up! You're cutting her off!" The brown skin sassed, putting a hand on her hip. You were going to have a feeling that you would not like these two, specifically.
The brown skin rolled her eyes, then gave you a fake smile. "How many languages can you speak?"
"Swahili, English, Spanish, and Korean." You said slowly, waiting for the Fiona girl to interrupt at any moment.
"So that's what you're speaking to that hot man..." She said, biting her nail at the thought. She smiled devilishly, shaking it off as she realize she was doing it for way too long. "What's your relationship with him?"
"Why do you need to know this information?" You asked, your accent making you sound stern and confident. They were taken aback for a second.
"I just wanted to know, jeez...you don't have to be so rude." She rolled her eyes, scoffing as she looked at you up and down. "You should stay with your own race anyway. You're making us black woman look bad."
"Kesha, shut the fuck up. You date white boys." Another heavy accent occurred from the dark. The lady turned her lamp on, her dark skin illuminating from the dim yellow light. Her hair was cut to her scalp; maybe one to two inches as her hair was dyed blonde. Her bed was eight feet away from yours to your left.
"Oh, you're immediately joining her side because she's African, right?"
"She's African-Cuban, but no. I'm joining her side 'cause you meddling with her. Stop trying to cheat with your boyfriend and keep your pussy in your pants." She sounds Malian...
Kesha just rolled her eyes and walked away, Fiona following her like a puppy-dog. The lady sighed, getting up to seat next to you. "May I sit?"
She pointed at the edge of your bed where your feet were. You moved your feet, nodding as she sat down. She turned and smiled at you.
"Assa Ali from Mali. Raised in Cameroon." She said, putting her hand out to shake. Your eyes widened, smiling at her.
"You're La'Keya's daughter! The oldest one?" You shook her hand, surprised at her appearance. Assa nodded. "She talks about you all the time, I'm glad I got to meet you!"
"Mama told me about you on our recent calls. She posted you on Instagram, that's how I knew who you are." She smiled. "I'm glad I have someone from the Motherlands who isn't white washed."
"Sí. I got called a nigga today by another nigga." You said, making you both chuckled.
"Our brothers and sisters say it here as 'friends' or 'homies'. I don't even know you, how can I be your homie?"
"That's what I'm saying! What do they say? Niggas be wildin?"
Assa slapped the edge of the bed, laughing hysterically by your words. "Yes! They be saying that with their full chest."
"With their full chest!" You say with her, laughing so hard that you lost your page of your book. You didn't care though, you had a friend who was like you.