"Why should I believe you?"
"Because you are my everything. My darling, my baby, my lover boy."
An Asian Man, Black Woman Story.
A Poetic Love at First Sight/High-school Lovers Dialogue.
Mature Content.
Contains: Mild-Language, Sexual Actions, and T...
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Taste like chocolate.
Sweet like cherries.
She smiles with love.
Lips so lovely.
I have fallen in love.
"How are you going to tell your parents?" You asked, sitting on your living room couch; laying on Jungkook's shoulder as you fiddle with your fingers.
"I don't know...mother is going to be really angry." He said, looking around your living room with portraits of your family. Your mother and father were holding baby you in the streets of Havana, Cuba with colorful lights in the background. Next to it, was a picture of you entering the first grade; you had to big puffs with two braids on the side of your head, braided with beads at the ends. Your edges were laid and you had a big smile on your face, the one you get from your father. And your eyes were squinted, you get that from your mother.
"They won't just expell you for beating somebody up. What else did you do?" You asked, looking up at him as he stares at the family wall.
"I threatened them," He said carelessly, turning to look at you. "They hurt you, Kenya. I couldn't let them get away."
"Jungkook...my gosh. Why would you do that for me?"
"Because I have fallen in love with you. I said that earlier." He shrugged like it was nothing; looking at the family portraits again. Your eyes widened at his honesty, blushing like crazy as you look down to your fingers again.
"Where did the shy Jungkook go? Stuttering on every word you say?" You said, scratching your scalp as you looked the other way. "And why do you love me? Because I am different from everyone else?"
"Yes and no...Yes because every girl I have dated or was interested in only wanted me for my money. I know it sounds crazy, but my dad use to give me an allowance for literally breathing." He chuckled. "Mother wanted me to get out the house so I can find my one and only. Everyone is fake here which is why I do not talk to people or mention anything about my father."
"Vaild reason. I hate people." You folded your arms, jokingly pouting as he laughed at you.
"You...caught my eye because you were different. All in good ways. Your smile, your kindness, your hair, your laugh; just everything about you." He smiled, grabbing your hand as he looks at you. "Like I said, I'll do anything for you."
"We're like eighteen and nineteen years old. How could you possible know you're in love?" You asked, looking into his eyes. He smiled again before leaning closer to you. Jungkook gently grabbed your left cheek, turning his body to get more comfortable. You held your breath, repeatedly looking up and down from his eyes to his lips as he gets closer to your face. His lips pressed onto yours as you closed your eyes with embarrassment.
Jungkook closed his, moving his lips in a passionate motion; kissing you lovingly. Finally, you both let go; taking deep breaths as you looked at each other. He blushed. "This is how I know."
You smiled, fluttering your eyes as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He cocked his left eyebrow, question your next move. You smirked. "Let's do it again."
"H-Huh..?" He stuttered before you pressed your lips aganist his again. His eyes widened as you pulled him down on the couch, making him hover over you. His face became bright red. "K-Kenya! Your mom is in the house, she might think we're doing something else!"