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We are different in cultures, but they love me as their own.

Where nights I am cold, they warmth me with their home.

I see them every day, but I never get old...

Of their scent, their looks.

I love them whole.


"Goddamn, that ass is fat!"

"Shut the fuck up, Assa. Goddamn..." You laughed, squat down as the weight was on your back and shoulders.

"This is all for your boyfriend, eh? He's gonna love his gift." Assa playfully bit her bottom lip, squinting her eyes as she looked at your ass.

"Stop being gay, Assa. You already look the part."

She gasped. "Look the part!? Because I barely have hair and I'm tall as hell!?"

"Hell yeah." You laughed again, putting the weight back to its regular position. "But I'm only exercising for me. It was my goal to have an hour glass shape."

"You do you, boo boo. Consider that your early birthday gift." Assa smiled.

"That's right! My birthday is coming up..." You gasped, putting a finger over your chin as you think.

"Hello ladies, what's cooking?" Taehyung said in a American accent, making you and Assa chuckled. Jackson was behind him, sort of hiding behind Taehyung as he saw Assa.

"Please, don't ever say that again." You smiled. "My birthday's coming up, but I don't know what I want."

"We should go clubbing. I heard Americans are wild with clubs. Especially LA." Jackson suggest, coming up from Taehyung's shadow.

"That is true, but I am a taken women. I do not want any men on me. At all." You said, fixing the sleeves of your long-sleeved, black sports shirt.

"How about a tattoo? That would be fun~" Assa suggested, making your eyes widened with excitement.

"I like that idea! That would be so cool. I'll look like a bad ass." You flexed your biceps.

"I agree. We should do it. You in, Jack?"

"Oh totally. Add that to my collection." He lifted his sleeve, showing off a couple of small tattoos.

"Great! We'll do it next week, we should be free right?"

"Yeah, if the Lieutenant doesn't feel like an asshat. We should be good." Assa said, giving you a fist bump.

"Ooh! I'm excited~"


"I don't know to give her for her birthday! I don't know anything about her..." Jungkook groaned in frustration; gripping his hair as he sat on the couch.

"Mi hijo, stop grabbing your hair. You'll mess it up." Your mother said, hitting his wrist which caused him to let go. He slumped back.

"I'm such a bad boyfriend. I don't even know what she wants."

"Well, it is not your fault. You didn't get to communicate for that long as you should've." She sighed, rubbing his shoulders as he groans. "Honey, she talks to you more. What do she loves the most?"

"Jungkook." Your father said, bluntly; eating out of a wooden bowl with sliced up kiwi. Sugar coating the fruit as he uses a wooden spoon.

Jungkook blushed, covering his face in embarrassment.

"No Musa, an object. A hobby. Something she likes to do?" Your mother asked, putting both hands on her hips. Your father smirked, placing the bowl down on their kitchen island.

"Jungkook." He said, making Jungkook cover his face with a pillow. Your mother grabbed her sandal and started chasing your father around the house.

"Musa Dabiku! You are not allow to say dirty things in front of a child!"

"He's twenty! You know what we were doing at twenty?"

"It does not matter. Stop speaking ill in front of this child." She stopped chasing him and put the sandal back on her feet. "God, you are childish."

Your father laughed and sat next to Jungkook; wrapping his arm around him as he pointed at the picture frames.

"You see that, son? This is our family portrait when my daughter was three." He points at the biggest frame. "That lady right there in the middle is her grandmother. My mother. She was a fashion designer and she made beautiful clothes for many artists."

Mr. Dabiku smiled, sadly. Looking at the photo for a long time before turning his head towards your boyfriend. "She taught Kenya how to sew and crochet. The varieties of fabric and the measurements. And my little Kenya was a pro by the age of nine years old." He said.

"She wants to be like her grandmother. That is your idea for a gift." Your father pointed at his chest, making him widened his eyes in realization.

"Thank you, Mister Dabiku. You have been helpful. You too, Miss Dabiku."

"Any time, mi hijo." She smiled at him. "It's like I have another kid again. I've always wanted a boy." She walked over to Jungkook and pinched his cheeks.

"You know we could make that happen, baby." Your mother hit Musa on the top of his head. "Ow!"

"Dirty husband of mine!"

Jungkook chuckled.


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