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Mama Bear.

She'll fight for her kids with no fear.

Face pretty, sweet like a dear.

In trouble, she'll be near.

She's here.

Mama Bear.


"Wait, h-how...?"

"Ugh, mi hijo, se está enredando!" She yelled, scoffing as she grabbed the mannequin head; taking the hair in her hand and combing it with a comb.

"Lo siento..." Jungkook said, bending his hand down slightly.

"No, you are fine. You don't know how to handle Afro hair, so I'm here to teach you." She said, combing the hair. "Once you master this, Kenya will be all over you. I swear."

Jungkook chuckled. "I-Is she like that all the time with you?"

". When Kenya was little, she would always ask for braids. She liked them so much." Mrs. Dabiku smiled at the memory. "When I started working, I couldn't do her hair all the time; so I taught her."

"She loves her fro. She loves her natural hair more than anything else. I wish I was like that growing up..." She sighed, putting the comb down and giving the mannequin head back to Jungkook. He frowned at what she said.

"That's not your natural hair?" He asked, nicely.

She frowned, but immediately stop; realize his innocence. ". I wear wigs so I don't see my hair. Growing up in Cuba...most of the people there now are dark skin, but's considered dirty. Sucio."

"Huh? That's ridiculous." He scoffed. She raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean, mi hijo?"

"I's beautiful. I think in general dark colors are beautiful, they hold so much meaning. They have a story behind it, it's settle. But I'm speaking from an artistic p-perspective..."

Your mother chuckled, covering her smile with her wrist. "I thought you said you know a little bit of English. You sound like an American."

He smiled. "But I appreciate your culture. It's so cool to me how everything is put together. It sounds so peaceful. The clothes, the food, the area..."

"Yeeess. I agree! When I came to Korea with Kenya and my husband, I was very scared about the environment. It was a new area. But once we settled, they treated us like Gods."

"Because you are to our eyes. It's the confidence and the power you hold."

"Dios mío, para~" She blushed, hitting his shoulder playfully.

"Seriously. I would never lie about that." He smiled at her, looking at her smile. Yep, she looks like her daughter.

"I wish someone told me that back then, I'll probably have the confidence of my daughter." She sighed, leaning back on the couch. "How come you don't speak English to my daughter?"

He was shocked at the switch of subjects. "'s because...I write- poetry."

She looked at him for a few seconds and started laughing. Jungkook frowned in confusion.

Your mom waved her hands in defense. "I'm so, so sorry baby. How does poetry have to do without talking with her?"

"Well...there is a website where you can post pictures, quotes, and etc...I started writing my poetry and posting it on there. I didn't know Kenya was already following me and...all my poems are about her." He blushed, hiding in his hands. Your mother squealed.

"Ugh! Jungkook! Eres la cosa más linda de la historia~" She said, pinching his cheeks. His face was now bright red.

"This is bullying."

"It's okay, I won't tell." She said, putting her index finger on her lips. "Boca sellada."

"Eso espero..." Jungkook responded back with a sigh. "I wanted to give it to her as a present."

Your mother smiled, turning to grab the comb again and going back on the mannequin's hair. Jungkook did the same as a comfortable silence followed the two.

"If I master this...can I do your hair?" Jungkook broke the silence. She stopped her movements, breathing slightly getting faster as she thought about it and smiled.

"Better start learning, mi hijo."


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