twenty four

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Why do I have to share?

Pretend I don't care?

I do care.

I know it'll never happen...

....but I still care.


"You are very pretty, Kenya." A boy said as you walked down the hallway.

"Thank you," You smiled, nodding to him as you held your books in your hand.

"You are beautiful, Kenya." Another boy said, walking pass you.

"Thank you very much." You smiled again, nodding and walking up to your class door.

"Oh, let me get that for you." The third boy quickly moved in front of you to open the sliding doors.

"Thank you," You smiled, nodding again as you walked in. You walked to your seat, next to Jungkook; Jin-young and Jihyo sitting in front of you as you sat down. It was last period. "Jungkook, what's wrong?"

You noticed Jungkook was frowning. "Delete your Instagram."

"What?" You looked at him. "Why?"

"You're hot, that's why." Jihyo said, scrolling through her phone as she talks to you. "Your first post has almost five thousand likes."

"That photo is a couple of months old, what's the big deal?"

"What's the big deal?" Jungkook said, grabbing Jihyo's phone and showing you the photo. "The lamp light is hitting your pretty brown skin perfectly. Your hair is all fro'ed up and pretty. Shit, you're gorgeous. AND you are doing a cute pose!"

He handed Jihyo's phone back to her and angerly laid back on his seat. He crossed his arm and pouted. "You're taken. Why didn't you put that on your bio?"

"Bio?" You questioned, making Jungkook throw his hand up in the air.

"Biography. You type in what you want people to know about you in your bio." Jin-young clarified, patting your shoulders. "Oh, our sweet little Kenya."

"Delete it. Delete the account." He said, trying to take your phone. You put it in your shirt so he couldn't grab it; otherwise, people would think he's doing something else.

"I like Instagram. It's funny and I like the filters." You pouted, looking at Jungkook being playfully frustration.

"You're too attractive. You are dating me. That's not fair how I have to share a beautiful piece of art like you." He frowned, crossing his arms.

"Thank you for the compliments, babe, but I'm keeping it."

"Crying." Jihyo said out loud, ending the recording on her phone and posted it to account. "You are so cute together, they'll love this."

Your eyes widened. "You were recording?"

"Obviously. I need views." She joked, her boyfriend leaning on her as he looks at the video with her. "Jesus, just marry already."

You laughed, grabbing your phone out of your shirt and unlocked it. "Here, let's take a picture together to make you feel better."

"I'll feel better when you delete it." He huffed.

"Stop being a baby and just take the photo." You said, linking your arm with his. You position the camera and smiled, grabbing Jungkook's face as he pouts. You pressed the little circle and brought your phone back to eye level. "Ahh! You're so cute!!"

"Take some more so they can see what's mine." He said, grabbing your phone and holding it up. He smiled and you stared at him in shock; blushing like crazy as he took the photo. "Oh yeah, you look good in this one."

"I look good in all of them, stupid." You said, covering his face. He took the picture and laughed.

"These are good ones, I'm sending these to me." He smiled, your hand still on his face.

"You are ridiculous," She giggled; he moved your hand away from his face as he leaned over to kiss your cheek. He took a picture. "Ew, your lips are wet."

"Oh, be quiet. Your lips are bigger than mine. I'm drowning every single time you kiss me." He mimicks your kissing method as you jaw dropped.

"God, I hate you."

"Yeah, okay baby. I hate you. You lie a lot." He rolled his eyes.

"Tch," You crossed your arms.

"Tch," He copied, making you punch his forearm. "Ow!"


My Lover Boy | j.jk ; ambwWhere stories live. Discover now