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She is my Queen.

She will always be my Queen.

On Earth, Saturn, Jupiter...

She is the Queen to my universe.

Kenya, the Queen of my heart.


"You~ You got what I need~ But you say he just a friend! But you say he's just a friend!" You sang on the microphone with Jin-young and Jihyo. Jungkook brought everyone to a karaoke party, buying the building for a couple of hours, so you can have some time with your friends.

"Oh my god! What are you doing!?" Jin-young's cousin laughed, slapping the side of his thigh as he looks at the three. You finally gave your ending pose, placing the microphone back on the stand as you walked back to Jungkook on the couch.

"My goodness! This is so much fun!" You smiled, sitting on Jungkook's lap as you kissed his cheek. "Thank you so much, baby."

"You said that like fifty-four times, baby. I get it. You're grateful!" Jungkook laughed, looking into your sparkling eyes.

"I'm happy I met you, Kookie." You said, looking at him as you held his hands. He smiles, looking down at your soulmate rings.

"I'm happy I met you too, Kenya."

"Is Queen Kenya in this room?" You heard someone yell, turning to see the male with a big smile on your face.

"Jimin! Oh my goodness! Nice to see you!" You said, getting up from Jungkook's lap and walked over to hug him. "Is the flowers for me?"

"Absolutely! Beautiful women like you deserve these." He sniffed them before he gave them to you. You smiled again before kissing his cheek.

"Thank you, Jiminie. These are wonderful." You sniffed them and held them in your arms. Jimin's face was pink, nodding slightly as he looks away from you.

"Kenya! Super Bass is about to play! Get your ass up here!" Jihyo said, running up to you and grabbed your arm. Pulling you to the mini stage.

"Okay! Sorry Jimin, gotta go!"

"Mmhm," He smiled, grabbing his cheek.


"Ladies and gentlemen, please settle down for a minute."

After the Karaoke party, you had an after party at a really fancy dinner place Jungkook picked out for you. They made foods from around the world; American, Nigerian, Chinese, you name it.

Everyone turned to look at Jungkook, one hand above his heart and the other holding his wine glass of soda.

"I want to make a the girl I love most. In the whole world."

"Please don't say my name, please don't say my name." You continued, making the audience laugh at you two.

"But for real, I want to make a toast for Kenya who's been great friends to all of us. A wonderful girlfriend to me and I pray for your safety everyday." He looks down at you with a smile. You held his left hand as he gave his toast.

"I love you, I care for you, I hope you're protected in your " Jungkook said, raising up his glass. "Cheers!"

"Cheers!" The crowd yelled, clapping and cheering moving across the table.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Jungkook said, taking his hand away from yours as he snaps at a bodyguard with a briefcase in his hand. He nodded, walking over to the two of you and held the briefcase with his forearms. "I bought you a present."

"Jungkook...oh my goodness. Again?" You chuckled, making the people at your table laugh. You stood up, pulling your dress down as you look at your boyfriend; smiling and holding his right hand.

"I saw it, and I know you said be reasonable with money, but this is reasonable if you're buying it for a Queen." He smiled, kissing your cheek. He opened the briefcase and a big, diamond crown was sitting inside. Red cushions covering around it to keep it safe.

You gasped, the crowd awed as you put your hands over your mouth. "Jungkook! How much is this!?"

Jungkook just looked around and held his index finger to his mouth. You hit the side of his arm, laughing at him as he smiled at you. He moves his hand vigorously to his neck. "We don't need to know about that."

"Jungkook, you're unbelievable." You rolled your eyes playfully. "It's beautiful, baby. Thank you so much."

"Wait! I want to put it on you." He placed his cup down and carefully grabbed the crown; slowly putting it on top of your head as his eyes squinted with excitement. "There you go...oh! I've also wrote you a poem."

"Oh? Poetry? How romantic." You smiled, kissing his cheek as he reached in his pocket. He unfolded the paper and opened his mouth to speak.

"It's a little short" He cleared his throat.

"She is my Queen. She will always be my Queen. On Earth, Saturn, Jupiter... She is the Queen to my universe. Kenya, the Queen of my Heart. I love you."

Your eyes started to water, hugging your boyfriend dearly as you replayed his words in your head.

"I'm going to miss you..."


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