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My love for her is as big as the universe.

No matter the obstacle, I find my way to her presence.

The thought of her.

The touch of hers.

The joy she brings me...

Will never be same from someone else.


"You have to ruin every good opportunity I give to you! You ungrateful wench!" Jungkook's mother yelled at him. He just rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he sits on the family couch next to Jimin and Jin-Ae. "And you! Why would you say that to them!? He doesn't have a girlfriend!"

"He does, and her name is Kenya. She's way better than the slut you was trying to set my brother up with." His younger sister spat. His mother gasped.

"Use that language one more time and I'll have your father handle you." She said, looking at Mr. Jeon. "And why aren't you helping me!? I am your wife!"

"And you are over-reacting." He said, taking a sip of his tea. "To be fair, she was here for the money. I didn't want her near my son at all."

"And what makes you think his girlfriend not here for the same thing?" She yelled at him.

"Oh, now I have a girlfriend. I thought I was retarded." Jungkook said sarcastically, rolling his eyes in annoyance. His mother huffed loudly, crossing her arms as she looks at everybody.

"Kenya is not a good person for him. It's a mother's intuition! How come nobody is standing up for me!? I am the victim here."

"Tell us a reason why she's no good then. I'll leave her if it's a valid reason." Jungkook said, putting his leg over the other, waiting for his mother's answer.

She stared at her son, leaning close to him before speaking. "I don't trust her!! I mean, look at her!! Our family stays with our race for a reason. We do not need anything interfering with our genetics!"

"I knew it was because of a race thing! Mother, you have no idea who she is. She helped me, she helped me a lot at school. She is amazing." He stood up, looking at her.

"So amazing that she made you violent and got you expelled?" She put a hand on her hip.

"She didn't make me violent, they were messing with her."

"Well you ignore it, Jungkook! You don't help people who can't be helped." His mother yelled, huffed as she crossed her arms. She looks at your husband. "We will talk later."

"No, we're not." He said, sipping his tea. She rolled her eyes and walked away. Jungkook threw himself on the couch again, massaging his temples with his fingertips.

"Let me go and talk to your mother. You don't have to worry, son." Mr. Jeon stood up and smiled, reassuring Jungkook before walking behind his mother.

His sister put an arm around him and kissed his cheek. "Mom's probably on her cycle. Don't pay attention to her."

"Ew Jin-Ae, I don't want to know that." He chuckled. She laughed with him.

"Jimin-oppa, when are you going to get a girlfriend?" Jin-Ae asked, looking above Jungkook's shoulder.

Jimin just sighed, looking out the window. "I don't know, Jin-Ae. I don't know..."


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