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Little messages mean big things.


As it's only one word, it means a lot of things.

My love.

My life.

And my future.


"That is so boring, why would you get that for your first tattoo?" Assa said, clearly displeased at your choice.

"Jungkook said he'll get one if I get one!" You pouted. "And it was his idea. It's something that's connected to us, so I don't care if it bores you."

"Tsk, okay." She rolled her eyes. "Still lame as fuck though."

"You're just mad that I have a boyfriend." You joked, getting out of the tattoo bed to go to the counter and pay. "Talk to me when you are in love."

"Yeah, okay." She rolled her eyes again, looking out the window this time and admiring the bright sky.


"Oooo, baby!! That looks good on you~" You giggled as your boyfriend kept flexing his hand through the phone.

"It didn't hurt as much as I thought. I think I was a sleeve tattoo now..." Jungkook said, looking at his left arm. "It'll look bad ass too."

"Oh my goodness, how will your parents react?" You gasped a little, looking at Jungkook's physique.

"My mother would say that I am a disgrace to our family, my father would high-five me, and the rest of the family would be supportive." He said, grabbing the phone and placing it near the kitchen counter.

"So only your mother will be upset?"

"Most definitely, but I don't really care. She's been on some crack recently." He said, bluntly; making you snort unexpectedly.

"Don't say that about your mother, she just cares about you. That's all." You chuckled, but you were serious at the same time.

"More like she cares about her reputation. She's the only reason why I was not in the public eye, because I didn't want to follow my father's dream of being a CEO." He sat down on an island chair and slouched, looking at you through the screen before looking away. "I want to be a singer."

"A singer? You can sing?"

" father put in some vocal classes when I was younger and I became obsessed. My mother didn't like it, so she stop my lessons." He sighed, drinking a glass of water. "My father had to sneak my vocal coach in our house to continue our lessons. He really loves do stuff behind my mother's back." He chuckled.

"Your father is amazing." You hummed, watching his Adam's Apple moving as he swallows down his water. "You'll have to sing to me."

"Haha, you funny baby." Jungkook says with a dry laugh.

"I'm serious, Jungkook! Sing to me!"

"You'll have to earn that. I'm not slipping up that easily." He smiled at you, making your heart flutter. You noticed something about him though...

"You've gotten your hair long?" You asked, two questions in one.

"I've been going to the gym since you've been motivating me to beat dudes' ass to keep my spot." He huffed, making you laugh. "But I'm not going to lie, not being near you is stressful so...I haven't been able to go to the salon at all."

"I kinda like long hair on look different." You muttered, trying your best to hide your blush.

"Really? Hmm, I guess I'll keep it then." He smiled to himself before stretching in his seat. "You gotta go to bed, right? Might as well say our good nights, I need to get in the shower."

"Yeah, I guess...well, good morning." You chuckled, seeing the confusion of his face before he realized the time difference.

He chuckled. "Goodnight, my love. I love you."

"I love you more."


My Lover Boy | j.jk ; ambwWhere stories live. Discover now