forty eight

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"Just be calm, it's probably just a family dinner."

"Family dinner, my ass." Jungkook sighs. "She always does this to get what she wants."

"Maybe give her some flowers so she'll forget about it...alright?"

"Yeah, yeah Jimin. Alright."

"Aye, trust me. Everything is going to be fine."


"How do Americans say that over there? As you should."

You laughed at Jungkook, eating a bowl of cereal as you talk to him.

"But with all seriousness, that's not okay. But have fun with it." Jungkook smiled, looking at you through the screen. "And are you eating cereal at night?"

You put your spoon down and side-eyed your boyfriend. "You really want to go there?" You said in English.

"Aye! I just asked a question." He response back. "Stop getting feisty, woman."

"You like this feisty woman." You said in Korean, seeing Kesha walking pass you, and staring at your screen.

"Oop. Autocorrect. Love. I love you, feisty woman." Jungkook poked the phone screen, making you chuckle. Kesha scoffed, heating up a tv dinner in your shared kitchen.

You were sitting at the dining table that was in your shared kitchen (You, Assa, Fiona, Kesha, and the other females in the building). A little small, but maintainable and very luxurious for a couple of soldiers. But that's America.

"My gosh, she angers me. She needs to mind her fucking business." You said in Korean, throwing a fake smile at your boyfriend's face for him to get the hint. He nodded and smiled back.

"I know baby, but we can't argue with a toddler. Eh?" Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows, causing you to laugh.

"I'm not going to argue with someone who likes being call slurs in bed." You rolled your eyes.

"Are you kink shaming her? That's not nice." He joked.

"I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck." You smiled, making him laugh.

"Wow, you are crazy. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Kookie."

"My gosh. This is America. Speak English when you are here, okay? You foreigners need to get that through your head." Kesha said to you; turning around and leaned on the counter to look at you.

You looked at her in annoyance and looked the other way. Jungkook frowned on screen and grabbed his phone.

"Bitch-" He said in English, before you turned down the volume. Kesha lifted an eyebrow in shock.

"Did he just call me a bitch!?"

"Loud and proud too, bitch!" Jungkook yelled, flipping her off through the screen, but she couldn't see it because you were holding the phone to your chest. You snorted.

"Baby, I gotta go. Tell me how dinner ends and talk to you later. Love you!" You kissed the screen before hanging up, giving yourself a long sigh.

"I'm reporting this to the Lieutenant."

"Do it. I'll tell Major General that you're sleeping with the Lieutenant." You clapped back, making Kesha widened her eyes in shock and fear. "Oh? You don't like that, huh?"

"Y-You don't have any proof." She defended, stuttering on her words.

"I've recorded a video. Do you really want to go there?"

Kesha just stood there and silence, her face getting more wrinkled when she frowns. Your smile got wider as you see her get down on her knees.

"What do you want me to do? I'll do anything."

Oh...? Anything, eh? She shouldn't have said that...


My Lover Boy | j.jk ; ambwWhere stories live. Discover now