twenty nine

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"She's giving you a sign, little cousin. You better take the opportunity."

"I do not want to take advantage of her so young! No! Maybe when she gets back."

"You better do it before she leaves! Just use protection~ wink wink."

"Jimin? Shut up."



"Just one more thing."

"Baby, no! I have enough! Stop!"

" look good in red." Jungkook pouted, holding up the dress to your body. "Look! It even has a golden necklaces with it!"

You were at the mall with your chaotic, rich boyfriend; Jungkook. You had two more weeks before you leave so he was buying you everything.

"Jungkook, where would I need this dress at? How much is this anyway..." You said, squinting your eyes to look at the price tag.

"It's not that much. Just-"

"Fourteen thousand dollars!? Put that shit back!" You yelled at him, grabbing it out of his hand and putting it on the nearby rack. "You need to be reasonable with money spending, Jungkook. You can go bankrupt."

"I am being reasonable! I'm spending it on you." He pointed out, making you put your hands on your hip in irritation.

"You've spent at least three hundred dollars today with just the match shoes and hats. The dress is not even that pretty, I can get something way cheaper on Amazon."

"Let me pay for it." He said, walking behind you as you walked out the store. You sighed.

"I love it when you do stuff for me, but there has to be a limit." You turned around to look at him; stopping him in his tracks as he towers over you. He smiled at you.

"No limit, baby." He sang, doing a little dance before you hit his right shoulder. He winced.

"Don't Usher me! I'm serious, Kookie; stop buying me unnecessary stuff!" You frowned.

"Okay, okay baby. Only necessary things." He said, playfully grabbing your face and kissing you. "What do you need that's necessary?"

"Well..." You looked at the store to your left, making Jungkook cock an eyebrow and turn his head the same direction. His eyes widened, a crimson red glowing across his face as he looked at you.

"Here, there's my card." Jungkook said, quickly grabbing his black card and putting it in your hand; lightly shoving you to the entrance as he tries to walk away.

"Absolutely not! You're coming with me!" You said, grabbing the collar of his shirt as you pulled him in the Victoria's Secret store.

"W-Wha! Why do I have to go!?" Jungkook said, trying to release your grip on him. You were strong...

"Because, you are my boyfriend! I need your opinion on the ones I should get." You said simply, now linking your arm with his; smelling the perfumes and body scents.

"Why would you need my opinion!?" He whisper-yelled, leaning close to your ear as he looks around the store shyly.

"Because we're gonna be the only two seeing it." You smirked, walking over to the panties section and picking up the same pair in two different colors. "Neon green? Or baby pink?"

"Whatever you're comfortable with, I'm not forcing you!" He crossed his arms in discomfort, trying his best to look anywhere but your face.

"Jungkook, pick a damn color."

"Okay! Pink! Happy?"

"Very." You smiled, walking over to him to kiss his lips.


My Lover Boy | j.jk ; ambwWhere stories live. Discover now