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She's so stunning.

I couldn't breathe when she walked pass me.

She's so stunning.

No other woman could pass me.

I want to be hers.


"Woah...Jungkook," You said, mouth gaped open. "Is this necessary? I mean, I'm honored but..."

"You look outstanding," He smiled, standing outside of the limo with the car door open. He was wearing his tuxedo, fixing his collar a little bit as he watches you slowly walk up to the car.

Your red dress got ruined at the last minute, so you bought a new shiny, skin-tight, mauveine dress that had a slit on the right side of your thigh. You had a dark purple bracelet that had a huge purple flower on top of your left wrist. Your hair was in the iconic Afro, freshly blow dried and picked; smelling like coconut shavings and brown sugar. You put glitter on your collarbone, giving your skin a shimmer as your dark purple three-inched heels shined in the sunset afternoon.

You did a dark brown over line lipstick; trying to reach your natural color. Your lip combo was equivalent to Kim Possible's. You wore mascara and Egyptian-styled eyeliner wing, finishing off with a black eyeshadow that faded out at the top of your eyelid. Your lips were glossy and your cheekbones were highlighted, giving your face a lift of some kind.

"Thank you, I tried my best." You smiled, posing a bit before turning towards your house. "Mama, eh Papa! Me voy!"

"i Kenya! Dónde está mi beso?" Your mother said. You smiled, speeding walking to your mother and father on the front porch to kiss them on their cheeks. "Vuelve a las doce en punto, jovencita."

"Yes, Fairy God-mother." You said in English, bowing to your mom as you look back up and smile. "Bye Papa! Don't work to hard."

"Sí, sí. Ahora date prisa para que pueda hacer el amor con tu madre." Your father joked, earning a punch from mama in the gut. He laughed through the pain.

"Papa! I did not want to hear that..." You shook your head before walking up to Jungkook again. Jungkook just awkwardly smiled, earning a laugh from you as you lift your dress a little to step inside the long car. Before he went inside, he waved to your parents with a big smile; they gave him the same.


"So you speak Spanish?"

"Si. I also speak Korean, English, and a little bit of Swahili." You said, looking around the limo with big eyes. "Mama is Cuban and Papa is from Kenya."

"Oh, so that's how you got your name?" Jungkook said, continuously listening to your backstory.

"Yes. We moved from Cuba after Papa got a business offer here." You said, crossing your legs as you touch your bare thigh. "I was eight or nine. I cannot recall..."

"You're so smart." Jungkook said, leaning on the car cushions; looking at your facial features. "How do you do it? Being gorgeous with a big brain..."

"Stop it..." You hovered your hand over your mouth as Jungkook looked at your flustered state. He couldn't stop staring. He has been staring for most of the time...

"Sorry, I can't help it." He said, rubbing his face slightly with his hand as he looks out the window. "We're almost there. Can't wait to show you off."

"Aww, you love me that much?" You laughed, grabbing your phone out of your hand purse and going to your camera roll app. "Here, let's take a picture. I want to remember this moment."

"Yeah, sure." Jungkook said, patting down some parts of his gelled hair before scooting next to you. You put your phone on it's side, holding it out awkardly to put Jungkook in the frame. He laughed, grabbing your phone and holding it out. You smiled, scooting closer to him as you wrapped an arm around his torse. "O-Okay, ready? 1..2..."

"Three!" You and Jungkook smiled, the flash of the phone light making you squint your eyes. You grabbed your phone and looked at the picture. "Perfect."

"Just like you..." He muttered under his breath.

"I heard that." You giggled, looking out the window as you feel the car stop. "Are we here?"

"Uh, y-yes. Here, let me..." Jungkook opened the car door, walking out first before putting his hand out for you to grab. You politely say 'thank you' and step out of the car, seeing a red carpet and a couple of camera people taking photos with flashing lights. You were stunned, you looked at Jungkook with confusion.

"What is all of this?" You said in his ear, linking your arm with his as you smiled to the cameras.

"Oh, this? Yeah, I should've said this early..." He said, looking around and smiling. "My family's famous."


My Lover Boy | j.jk ; ambwWhere stories live. Discover now