thirty five

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It's been thirty minutes and I'm already going crazy.

Will she be fine? Happy and Daisy?

Or would she be sad and tired and lazy?

I worry for my love.

Please come back home.


As you sat on the airplane's seats, the one next to the window, you began to cry. Hard. Half of it was leaving your family, your home, your lover; but the other part was scared to go to America. You've never put your hands on anyone, only objects. You knew nothing about self-defense.

You gripped on your pillow as you put your headphones on to stop crying. It was hard not to. You put your music on shuffle and turned up to volume, holding your pillow tight.

You felt a dip from the seat next to you. You didn't even bother to look at the person. You were to in your feelings to care at all. You hummed to the beat, closing your eyes as you waited for the plane to start moving.

Suddenly, you felt a lick moisten your cheek, causing you to jump and turn to the thing that was licking your tears. You turned to see a black and brown Pomeranian dog. His tongue waving down as the puppy looked at you.

"Ugh, Yeontan. Stop licking strangers. Sorry, he still doesn't know how to-" The man stopped his sentence as he looked at you with shocked. You gave him the same look.

"Taehyung? What are you doing here?" You almost yelled, surprised at his sudden appearence.

He wore grey sweatpants with a Todoroki, long-sleeve t-shirt. His hair was down to his chin and he wore a black mask around his neck. Taehyung's crocs were blue and red, referencing to his shirt as he pet his dog on his lap. Two silver chained bracelets were around his right wrist, making light clinking sounds when they hit each other.

Your outfit was almost the same, except that you wore Jungkook's black jacket and you had black Nike slippers on. You fiddled with your soulmate ring as he looked at you up and down.

"I can't believe you are actually here." He smiled big. "I've been meaning to show you Yeontan. Now he's here in the flesh." He said, lifting up his dog.

"You didn't answer my question, Taehyung." You said, still in shock. Also kind of irritated at the fact he was hot for no reason.

"I'm going to the army in California. My parents want me to do military work but I refuse to cut my lucious brown hair." Taehyung said, holding his hair in front of his face before blowing it away. "I can't wait! I heard there's a lot of good food in America."

"Heh...yeah." You said, slowly gripping your pillow again. Taehyung noticed, placing a hand over yours.

"What's wrong? Why are you here?" He asked, gently.

You started to sniff again, tears fighting to escape your eyes. "I'm scared...I'm scared to leave..."

Taehyung started to panic as he heard you speak. "W-Why are you leaving? Why are you scared?"


You told Taehyung your backstory and how it came to this moment. He was always listening to you, nodding and reasurring you that everything was going to be okay. By the time the converstion was done, you were already up in the air; you both talk some more and eat what the flight attendence provided. Laughing at each other's joke and playing with Yeontan from time to time.

Maybe, America wasn't gonna be so bad.


My Lover Boy | j.jk ; ambwWhere stories live. Discover now