forty six

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"Y'all are so cute, omg~"

"Shut up. You sound like a girl."

"And you sound like a pussy for not getting any of hers."

"We have a family meeting this weekend. Can't wait to see you, cousin."



"A tattoo idea? Hmm...I don't know baby."

"Come on, Jungkook! I don't know any."

"I mean, Army are in the army?"

"That's basic, baby." You sighed, leaning against the bed post. "I don't know..."

"How about 'I am taken, thank you.' That would be perfect for your Instagram." He scoffed, placing the down on the counter as he makes himself dinner; fired chicken, with pasta and a salad.

"Jungkook! I'm serious!"

"And I'm serious too! I regret showing you Instagram. Baby, you are fine as hell." He whined, looking at you through the phone; talking with the spatula in his hand. "I'm not mad at you, I just mad at the people who are trying to get with you."

"Are you jealous, Kookie?"

"Very. And you're in a different country, I'm not there to protect you." Jungkook frowned, flipping the chicken over to the other side.

You were silent for a couple of seconds before speaking. "You worry that much about me?"

"Yes. Everyday. I try to do other things to stay productive, but it's hard not being next to you. It's been four months and I'm going crazy." He confessed, putting the spatula down on the counter before leaning towards his phone, looking at you. "I won't even be there for your birthday and I feel like I know nothing about you."

"Yes, baby. I agree." You sighed, laying down on your back slowly. "We only know the basic things about us. We never really socialize with each other like that."

He hummed, fixing his tank top before going to the stove again; taking the chicken off of the skillet.

"Fun fact...I want to learn how to box." You said, making Jungkook look at his screen.

"Really? I actually wanted to do the same." He chuckled.

"Maybe we can do it separately. And when we are together...we'll have a match." You smiled, looking at Jungkook's smirk.

"I'm betting fifty dollars, I will win."

"Make it a double."


"Deal." You smirked, flipping your hair out of your face. "I'm going to beat your ass."

"In your dreams, baby. You wish you could beat me, but you can't."

"I don't see no muscles on you, baby boy. You ain't gonna beat shit."

"Ah, fuck you." He laughed, pointing at you. You giggled, covering yourself with the blanket. "But...if you get an Army tattoo, I'll get one. Right here on my knuckles."

"But you're not in the army."

"My wife is." Jungkook said, bluntly; looking at his knuckles. "Which side should I put it on?"

"N-Nah, don't switch the subject bitch."

"I didn't switch the subject! Which side should I put it on?"

"I'm your wife?" You asked, almost blushing.

Jungkook looked at the screen with a blank stare. His face began to look pink as he turned away. "I-I said that?"

"Yes, with confidence too." You laughed, making Jungkook curl up to a ball on the floor. He started yelling out of embarrassment. "It's okay, baby. It happens."

"When and where are you getting the tattoo?"

"On my birthday. Maybe get it on my lower abdomen. Like on my stomach on the left, maybe."

"Who's going to see the tattoo then?"

"You, obviously." She chuckled. "I'm not showing it for specific reasons. Maybe when I get out of this colonizing country, I'll be a model somewhere. Promoting my life's work."

"You do that," Jungkook said, making his plate. "I'll be your first customer."

You smiled, blushing a bit as he said that. "Thank you."


My Lover Boy | j.jk ; ambwWhere stories live. Discover now