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"I got a question, little cousin." He said to me. "Do you ever have those dreams about her?"

"What do you mean?" I said, cautiously.

"Like, she speaks Spanish right? Has she called you 'papi' yet?"

"W-Wha...Why would ask me a question like that!?"

"I don't know. It's funny." He snickered.


"That little boy really knows how to spoil you." Your father said, scrolling on his phone as he eats the food your mother made at the dinning room table. It was dinner time.

Your mother grabbed your father's phone and stuffs it in her pocket. "Eres peor que tu hija."

"Hey..." You frowned, looking at your mother as you chewed your food. "No soy tan malo."

"Ha!" She laughed. "Very bad."

"Deberías revisar la publicación, nena. Que son tan lindos. El esta enamorado." You father chuckled, playfully hitting your right shoulder as he chews. "What did you do?"

"I have done nothing but exist, father." You said, smiling a little bit to yourself as you eat your Spanish rice.

Your father leaned next to you before speaking. "Did you do the thing that made you?" He asked in Korean, so your mother won't punch him in the face.

"Que!? No! Absolutely not!" You yelled, pushing your father off of you. "I am not like you!"

"But you have my genes~" He sang in English, making your mother kick his shin. "Ugh!"

"No Inglés." She said.

"Por qué es eso, mamá? Por qué no podemos?" You asked her, respectfully. Trying not to get kicked in the shin like your dad.

"Es una lengua colonizadora. No somos colonizadores." She said with a straight face, drinking her cup of chai tea as your father and you laughed. "Qué? No lo es?"

"No mamá," You chuckled, waving your hand as you chewed your food; covering your mouth as you ate. "Eres Graciosa. Alguna vez has considerado ser comediante?"

"Ah, suficiente, niña. Prefiero quedarme en casa." She chuckled before grabbing your father's phone out of her pocket. "Entonces, qué es esto que estoy mirando?"

"Nuestra hija hizo un Instagram. La seguí y luego seguí a su novio." He said, pointing at the device as he chews his food. "Literalmente se quedó boquiabierto cuando la vio, bebé. Que son tan lindos."

"Novio?" She looked at you. "Él es tu novio ahora?"

"Sí, sí mamá." You blushed, bending your head slightly. "Me preguntó hoy."

She was sliently for a minute before she spoke. "That's nice." She said in her Cuban accent, handing the phone to your father again.

"I thought it was colonizing. Why do you speak white people language now?" Your father said in his Kenyan accent.

"Solo hablo un poco, no mucho como tú. Pendejo." She said, stabbing the food with her fork and eating the shreded chicken off her plate.

"Damn, okay." He said, looking at you and sliently laughing. You did the same.


My Lover Boy | j.jk ; ambwWhere stories live. Discover now