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I couldn't lose her.

I refuse to...

I have conviced myself that she was the love of my life.

I refuse to...

Let any woman in the world to destroy this relationship.

I refuse.


"Dile que dije que no." Your mother said, crossing your arms as she sits at the dining room table. She sat in front of you and Jungkook as he looked at you for translation.

"Mama said no."

Jungkook looked at your mother with sadden eyes. "Please ma'am, I'll do anything for your daughter. I can get her anger management classes and you won't have to pay a single dime."

"Por favor, señora, haré cualquier cosa por su hija. Puedo recibir tus clases de manejo de la ira y no tendrás que pagar un centavo." You repeated in Spanish.

"No." She said again, making Jungkook's face frown more.

"Ma'am, just give me a chance to-"

"Por qué tienes la cabeza tan dura?" She asked him, leaning against her wooden table.

"She asked why do you have such a hard head."

"I..." Jungkook looked at you, then your mother. "For these past four and a half months, she has brought me joy and peace..."

"Durante estos últimos cuatro meses y medio, ella me ha traído alegría y paz."

"She's a great listener, very smart, honest, nice..."

"Es una gran oyente, muy inteligente, honesta, agradable."

"She makes me laugh, smile; I'm happy to be with her."

"Ella me hace reír, sonreír; Estoy feliz de estar con ella."

"I cannot imagine my life without her..."

"No puedo imaginar mi vida sin ella...?" You looked at Jungkook as he stared at your mother.

"I'm in love with your daughter."

"Qué!?" You yelled, standing up as your chair fell down.

"Kenya! Para de gritar! Y recoge mi silla." Your mother shouted at you.

"Lo siento, mama..." You apologize to her, picking up her chair like she asked.

Your mother frowned her eyebrows even more, looking at Jungkook then back at you. "Que dijo el?"

"Um..." You looked at Jungkook. "Dijo que va a hacer servicio comunitario por ti."

"Qué? No dijo eso, deja de mentir. Te daré un puñetazo en la mandíbula." She threatened, motioning a fist to you. You flinched, putting your hands up as you gulped. You looked at Jungkook, then back at your mother.

"Él me ama, mamá. Él está enamorado de mí." You blushed, looking down at your fingers. Your mother just sat there, poking her cheek with her tongue as she looked at Jungkook intensely.

She got up from her spot and walked into the living room to grab her computer. She came back with her glasses sitting on her face. She type for a couple of minutes in silence as she repeatedly looked at you and Jungkook. She sighed, putting her glasses down on the table and crossed her arms again. She gave you a straight face. "Te doy un mes."

Your eyes widened, smiling big as you ran up to your mom and hugged her. "Gracias mamá! Gracias, gracias, gracias!"

"Le diré a tu padre que te quedarás un mes. Supongo que también estás fuera del castigo." Your mother said, finally smiling at you as you repeatedly kissed her cheek. You ran up to Jungkook and hugged him from behind.

"She gave me a month!" You smiled. Jungkook eyes widened, smiling at your mother as he stands up to bow.

"Gracias, señora."

She grinned, smiling at him as she motioned him to hug her. He nodded, walking up to your mother and wrapped his arms around her. She did the same, patting his back, and rocking him back and forth.


My Lover Boy | j.jk ; ambwWhere stories live. Discover now