The end and the beginning

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400 years ago


Red was all he saw. The smell of iron filled the air. 


Corpses were strewn all over.

He raised his hands and saw blood-stained gloves. He looked around, feeling immense pain in his chest. He had lost almost all that he loved and had cared for. His lover and guardians all tried to defend the family but the enemy famiglia killed them all in the heated battle. For a moment, he was glad that he had hidden his child.

He could nearly break down and cry, but with his enemy still standing, he knew that now was not the time. Someone charged at him, only to be knocked unconscious immediately.

"Vongola Primo! This will be YOUR last!" The boss declared, seeing the last of his subordinates fall, leaving only him and said Primo standing on the tainted battleground. He brought out his main weapons -a set of silver daggers and set them on his sides. He readied his stance and gave off a frightening aura. 

It, however, did not deter his opponent. Primo did not back down.

His anger spiked as he scrutinised his opponent. Said man had killed all his loved ones. He murdered his beloved famiglia, slaughtering all the efforts he had invested in them.

Yet he had the cheek to smile like he had won.

Primo's eyes flickered between the lighter and darker shade of orange(1). A clear orange flame danced on his forehead as his gloves were decorated with the same flame. His eyes finally settled for the darker shade, displaying his pure determination to protect a peaceful future that he knew he would never see. 

He gathered his final ounce of flames, turning his right glove into a gauntlet.

"No, this would be YOUR last!" Primo shouts. They charged at each other and struck at the same time. Yet, Primo was faster, taking the other down while he received his own fatal blow. The boss fell flat onto the burning ground, with no signs of life radiating from him. Primo staggered and fell on his back, gripping his blood-stained chest.

This is the end already. Hahaha, I'm pathetic. Saying that I'll never kill but here, I have taken one's life. Haha... 

He stared at the blue ring on his finger and recalled all the memorable things that happened in his life. He recalled everything he still wanted to do with his family. 

I still want to do all the paperwork Daemon and Alaude brings in. 

I still want to hear Alaude's catchphrase while he charges at me during sparring sessions. 

I still want to eat sweets, cakes and many more with Lampo. 

I still want to laugh with Asari when G. gets mad. 

I still want to sit in the church and pray with Knuckle. 

I still want to travel around with my love and my child.

If I can, I want to meet all of you again someday. 

He felt his life seeping away from him. He forced a bitter laugh out of his dry lips. No good, I will die. See you all, in the future. 

He closed his eyes and loosened his grip on his chest, smiling. Rain pelted down from the sky, washing all the bloodshed away. The storm rumbled as the sun hid behind the clouds. The mist thickened as if trying its best to hide the gruesome sight. The thunders crashed as if crying for its sky.

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