Mukuro and Chrome

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The five around sat around the small table as they allow the brunette to sleep. Tsuna's face is scrunched up and sweating profusely like he is having a nightmare, his friends unable to help him. They looked at each other as they tried to cook up a conversation but failed. They do not want to wake up their friend in the middle of his horror.

Reborn stared intensely at Gokudera as the latter sealed his lips from leaking any information. The atmosphere was so tense that Tsuna could probably feel it in his sleep. The other three watched closely as the stare-off begin. Even when the door clicked open and close, a new companion roaming in the room going 'Bwahahaha', they still stared at each other dangerously.

"Now tell me. What's going on?" *caw caw caw caw*

"Great. Now you go quiet. How am I supposed to know whether you people are fit to be Dame-Tsuna's guardians?"

The boys glanced at each other while Gokudera grabbed Lambo by his Afro and sticks a grape lollipop into his mouth to hush him up. Just then, an idea lit up in Reborn's head. He hops over to Lambo with a sinister smirk on his face and yanks the sweet out of his mouth. Shocked and angry, Lambo pulls out his grenade and aims at Reborn but the latter flicked it away easily, destroying the lone tree outside his window. It has become a daily occurrence in the house that Tsuna did not awaken from his nightmare and Lambo continues to throw his daily supply of grenades at him (and they run out). Saddened by his failure, Lambo plops down on Gokudera's lap and starts to sniffle. Reborn smirks at the direction where this was heading.

"Hold... it... in..." His eyes grow more and more watery and his 'older brothers' starts to plug their ears. Kyoko, as dense as possible, stared at the young boy in amusement. "I CAN'T!" He takes out the purple device and aims it at himself. Yamamoto, Ryohei and Kyoko were bewildered. Gokudera was frozen in shock as the device envelops Lambo and him. "Damn it!"


Extremely dense pink smoke appeared as the two disappears. All of them coughed and tried to get the smoke out of their eyes.

"Ahahaha! Just like the movies!"


"Where's Gokudera-kun and Lambo-kun?"

Reborn smirked to himself. The start of the five minutes countdown, here comes my answers. A deep voice growled through the smoke and snores could be heard from inside. Outlines of the figures could be seen when one squints his eyes.

"Gokudera and ahoshi. Welcome back to ten years ago!" Reborn declared with a smug look on his face. The smoke then dissipates and the two new figures could be seen. And they look like a split image of the Primo's guardians! The silverette's eyes are sharp and focused as if on battleground while the raven head is asleep on the ground. "Who's the boy?"

"Lambo." His Afro is gone! The silverette forms a fist with his hands and swings down hard on the boy's head. "Wake up, seaweed!" The boy's eyes opened slightly and saw Reborn immediately. He jerks awake and observes his surroundings. He spots Kyoko and squirms over to her and lifts her hand. Behind, we can see Ryohei turning angry. "Yuri- OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Lambo turns around and saw his brotherly figure with fists clenched tightly. Gokudera then roughly points to the room, then the three, Reborn in his infant form and lastly, their boss. "Hey, everyone got smaller."

"And you don't get what it means when you travelled back before. Oh Come on!"

"Oh! I'm back to ten years ago!"

"Let's just pray that Primo has got no trouble with our younger selves."

"Yes yes, let's cut short the drama and chat with us shall we?" Reborn cut into their squabble and grabbed their attention immediately. The older looking guardians looked at the infant with fear written in their eyes, as if their saying 'we leaked too much'. Lambo then paused for a moment before asking a question. "What's today's date?"

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