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Eight figures stood in front of them, behind the gates of the school. The atmosphere grew heavy and the Vongola could not help but scan their opponents from head to toe. From the group, they saw four familiar faces. Three from this morning, one as a classmate. Tsuna's eyes widen in shock.


Said male grinned at the only acquaintances he made in school. "You're with the Corvino?" Tsuna stuttered. He couldn't believe it! Rovinco's grin widen and Tsuna's guardians gathered in front of him, Chrome formed a barrier in front of the brunet.

"With the Corvino? Tsk, tsk. Let me clarify things for you, Tsuna. I am the Corvino! The secondo of the famiglia. What they do is according to my will!" He snapped his fingers and in no time, his subordinates formed a shield in front of him and smiled. Tsuna stumbled backwards and everyone widen their eyes in horror. "W-what?"

"I didn't know my infiltration task is that successful that it fooled you." He continued. Gokudera grit his teeth and clenched his fist. He was about to take out his dynamites and throw it at them until Yamamoto held down his arm, shaking his head. He let out a 'tch' and kept them again. Rovinco then stuck out his hand and beckoned with his fingers. "Rings, surrender them."

The Vongola took a step back, their eyes speaking volumes of the one word 'no'. However, Hibari stepped forward and spoke. "If this ring can keep me out of crowding, I would gladly surrender it to you." He smirked as he removed his cloud vongola ring. "Now, which one of you is the cloud?"

"You're giving in? Not going down with a fight?" Germaine said even though she is feeling quite lucky that the opposing cloud is acting so easily. Hibari lifted his eyebrow. "I only fight carnivores. Herbivores are not worth my time. Now tell me who your cloud is."

A red head stepped forward from the back. "Emilio Adriatico. I expected the cloud to actually put up a fight. Didn't know he gives in so easily." He smirked. His fingers drummed on his weapon eagerly. Hibari looked at him from head to toe before revealing a ghostly smile. "You talk too much for a cloud. Unfitting of a cloud guardian." His comrades held back their frustrations as they read his expression. The skylark drops the ring onto Emilio's palm and walks off, releasing a small invisible flame and a new ring appeared on his finger.

"Now... Who's the next to surrender their rings?" Rovinco asked, his evil grin still hanging there. Chrome gulped loudly and tightened her grip. She may not be the strongest but she can help her friends in defense and her brother in offense. She choked out, "you'll never get the rings. Even if you have the cloud's, it doesn't mean much."

The blue headed leader smirked. "Then we'll fight for it." He straightens his arm and points forward. "Get them."

Without thinking, all of them took their own places at different corners of the school, fighting for the ownership of the Vongola rings. All except for the two clouds, who seem to be sending daggers at one another.

-With Gokudera-

He flings his dynamite sticks at the green haired boy as the latter blocks the blast with his scythe. He clicks his tongue and continued to light his sticks, tossing it at him with as much power as possible. However, no matter what he did, he could not bring his opponent down. It frustrated him. By instinct, he dived for a punch, dodging the sharp blade by a hair as he plunges his fist into the green haired boy's gut. Instead of knocking the male out, he coughed out saliva in pain. "You're good..."

"Remember Leonard Fernandez, the one that defeated the Vongola's first generation Storm." He shouted as he swings his scythe in a practiced manner. Gokudera smirked and backflipped. He started to laugh and the green haired boy could not help but ask, "Why are you laughing?"

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