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Rumors were flying around the school since the wee morning and everyone could not wait for the new classmates they are getting. Males are anticipating pretty girls while the Females are waiting for boys that looked super badass. Yamamoto, Gokudera and the girls just sat at one corner and watch Tsuna bury his head into his arms as he withstands the throbbing in his head. Ever since the interaction with Rovinco, his head has been spinning badly, telling him that that boy is up to no good. Now that boy has been avoiding contact and had been staring at Tsuna every single day, getting the brunette to stick to Lambo or Reborn at home during his sleep.

Enough of that boy, even Tsuna is excited to know his new classmates. Although he is not as excited as the others, he has this giddy feeling that he'll be surprised who the new classmate is. He then sat up right, startling his seat mates.

"Daijobu? Tsuna-kun." Kyoko asks worriedly. Tsuna gives her a bright smile and nods his head. "Perfectly fine. Thank you for your concern." An image of Giotto then covers Kyoko's eyes as she blushes heavily. The boy could not help but feel curious of what the girl is thinking.

"Giotto, you okay?" Gokudera asks. Tsuna gives him a thumbs-up and did the same to Yamamoto, since he has a feeling that the rain guardian would ask him the same question. "I'm fine guys. Anyway, who do you think will be our new classmates?"

"What do you think?"

"Aww, if I tell you, it's going to spoil the fun. I have this," He points at his head. Gokudera just slaps himself in his forehead, forgetting what his boss-to-be/ex-boss have. Yamamoto ponders and gave guesses, "how about a girl and a boy?" Tsuna just shrugs. The sound of shoes then tapped rapidly and disorderly on the floor as screeching sounds could be heard from every corner of the class. Three different footsteps stopped outside the door as killer intent leaked from the oldest.

"Kimi-tachi..." A voice boomed and the door slammed open. "Can't you all just keep it down for once? I could hear all your chattering from the staff room!" Everyone shrank into their chairs as their teacher's aura over powered them. She pushed up her glasses and coughed into his fist, lowering that power output. "Kozarto-kun, Shittopi-chan, come in." The door opened again and the aura from outside entered. Now, Tsuna is at the edge of his seat.

The boy with crimson red hair fiddled with the bandages on his face while the other is dressed in balloon tubes? "Please introduce yourselves." Yamamoto threw Gokudera the 'See? Lucky!' Look. Gokudera rolled his eyes and scowled. Tsuna could slam his head against the wood at his best friends' behaviour.

"Kozarto Enma," The boy answered softly, barely loud enough to hear. The teacher asks him to repeat but he kept silent.

"My name is Shitt p. Call me Shittopi-chan!" The girl declares. The males sweat dropped. "I like to Hakkou (1)!"

"Hakkou? What do you mean?" The teacher asks but the girl did not reply. Giving up, she assigned their seats as they walked towards them. Enma then looks around the class, hoping to see some friendly faces when his eyes spotted familiar hairstyles. One boy has fluffy hair (like Giotto). Another has silver hair nearly touching the shoulders and parting from the middle (like G.). Another one has spiky black hair but his hair shined blue when under the light (like Asari). And lastly, a girl with auburn hair that was purposely cut short (like Yuriko). And soon, his eyes were glazed with images of said people.

"Giotto?" Enma voiced when his eyes stared at the brunet. Tsuna's ears perked up and stared at the red-head. He tilts his head and stares at the boy. Arousing whispers went through the class. One of them leaned over and asked, "You know this guy?"

As much as he could pretend, he replied with another question. "He said Giotto. Who's that? I'm very sure that my birth certificate states that my name is Sawada Tsunayoshi." Realizing that it made sense, the classmate fell back into his chair, missing the tensed shoulders that appeared on the brunette. Enma just shrugs and walks towards his seat, completely trying to ignore the phenomenon but Tsuna was frozen. His mind replayed the scene over and over again, just where has he seen this particular red head before?

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