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"Enma!" Tsuna exclaimed as he waved happily at his good friend. Might as well call him his best friend already, they were extremely close despite knowing each other only recently. His comrades stood behind him, their flames set ablaze in their hands.

All of them were so glad to see them even though they do not want to admit it. Hibari grunted in slight distaste. He wants to do everything on his own; no one should help him. He can handle it. Gokudera just had to vent it out. "What are you doing here?"

"What do you think we're doing? Gokudera Hayato." Adelheid said, a little ticked off by the storm's I-can-do-it-myself attitude. She immediately threw her flames to the weapons in the girl's hands, encasing it in ice so that they cannot fire again. Julie used his flames and caused the area around the other two to sink. They were stuck. "Hey! Let us out!" Ken shouted as he inserts a cartridge into his mouth, using the extra strength of the Kong channel to force himself out. Not that it is working.

"Kufufufu... Stay there, I have a few questions to ask." Mukuro's voice suddenly broke through. Two figures materialised beside the duo, mist flames flowing so evidently. The two males froze, each itching to light their flames but were unable. The aura from him was simply too thick. "Ki hi, so many old men gathered at one spot. Even the girlfriend." Celeste asks, her voice sounding so sarcastic.

"No longer the girlfriend. It's sibling now." Chrome bites through. Celeste faked a hurt expression. "Is that true?" Chrome glared at the albino, her flames expanding.

"What do you know about us, Corvino?" Tsuna seethed through his teeth. Celeste and her two comrades stopped for a moment, exchanging glances with one another. Wanting answers as well, the Vongola followed their gazes too.

Celeste, Ken, Chikusa. Chikusa, Celeste, Ken. Ken, Chikusa, Celeste.

"Would you stop it already?!" Gokudera finally burst, his flames following his temper, threatening the three crows. His boss seemed to agree because he went into HDWM without aid. Reborn whistled in pride. Celeste widen her eyes mockingly. "Keep your comments to yourself or would you want to see your friends die? Especially your girlfriend, or should I say wife?" Her eyes glint evilly as she looks towards three girls, laughing by the window sill. The Vongola and Shimon members widen their eyes in horror. Without thinking much, Hibari charged at them, "those who harm Namimori students must be arrested to death!"

At that moment, Chikusa seemed to break free and swing his yoyos at him, catching both of his arms and holding him back. Hibari growled but it caused him to tighten his hold.

Ryohei's eyes littered themselves with worry, seeing his sister used as a bait, even though she does not know. "Leave them alone, you stupid crows!" He said, his hands balled into a fist. At a corner of his eye, he saw something glint far away and he stared (read: glared) at it, challenging it to attack.

"Leave them alone? Hah! Once you people die, we'll definitely leave them alone!" Ken answered, his voice full of confidence. Yamamoto clenched his teeth. So friends become threatening chips. How low! All of them heard a very deep breath from the brunet and watched him breathe out calmly.

"What do you want, Corvino?"

"The rings. Surrender them." Celeste said, a smirk tugging her lips. Tsuna gritted his teeth.

"I'll see about it. But first, get your sniper to lay off or you'll never get what you want." I'll pass you the rings once you do. He seemed to say. Everyone (excluding Corvino trash) widen their eyes at that statement. The two former red heads shouted at him. "Giotto! Are you serious?" Said boy tightened his fist, silently pleading for them not to pursue further. I'll tell you everything later. The message got across. They kept quiet, biting the insides of their mouth.

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