(Note) Title change

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Hello everyone,

It's been a while! Remember previously I said that I'll change the title of this work (refer to chapter 'Final')? Well...

I've decided on the final title.

Thank you to those who chipped in some time to think of some ideas, I'm really grateful. Thus, for the upcoming chapters of Cielo: the hometutor (I'm already writing the next chapter after 'Fakes'. Please be patient!), I'll be dedicating the chapters to you.

After much consideration, I'm going to rename the book to "Crossing times". Sounds like some cliche soap opera title, to be honest. But I like it!

Look forward to the new cover of this book too!

Thank you all for all the support that you've given me for all related works. I will continue to update what I can for "Missing" as well as "Cielo: the hometutor", even though I cannot guarantee you constant updates. However, I promise to finish them, no matter how long it takes.

Thank you all again!

Ci Vediamo!

Kokoro Rin
Author of RITF/CT

Ps. I wanna know how you guys feel about the book, like whether the quality of the work spiralled down. Comment down below  and tell me how you feel! And if you'd like, feel free to request.

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