A date

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Both of them walked side by side quietly on the bustling streets. Both of them avoided eye contact, even though either one of them will glance up once in a while. The silence was awkward, they are out on a 'date' but they were not interacting at all. Sometimes, people will give them some glances but they both know better than to respond to the gazes.

After walking past an oh-so-familiar cake shop, Kyoko tried to strike up a conversation.



"I suppose you're hungry now?" As if on cue, Tsuna's stomach growled loudly before Tsuna can even try to hide it. Kyoko chuckled as she grabs Tsuna's hand and ran into the cake shop.

As they enter the cake shop, Tsuna suddenly stopped in his tracks. A drop of sweat ran down his forehead. He surveyed the area frantically, getting Kyoko's attention. "What's going on Tsuna?" Tsuna relaxed but his eyes held the tension. He hits his head for a second before the headache gets worst. "Nothing! Let's get in shall we?" Kyoko beamed as she held Tsuna's hands and dragged him into the shop.

They spent five minutes choosing what they want to eat and drink, another five minutes of waiting for them and thirty to forty minutes of eating and chatting with each other. Just then, Tsuna straightened himself stiffly, surprising his date-of-the-day. His eyes widened as pain shot through his head. He clutched tightly onto his head and Kyoko just stared worriedly, not sure what to do.

"Kyoko, let's go somewhere else shall we?" Tsuna tried to shrug off the pain, much to his relief that his head is not throbbing as badly. "Sure but are you sure you're fine?"

"I'm fine, really, thank you." Kyoko relaxes a bit and suggested nicely, which Tsuna does not object to. "Let's go to the amusement park then. And we'll play to our hearts' content for the day!"

Both of them walked to the Namimori Amusement park (There's only one, unfortunately, in their peaceful little town). At first, Tsuna was reluctant to enter but he was quickly pulled in by Kyoko. For the remaining morning until one in the afternoon, Kyoko has dragged Tsuna to various different rides and they have both tire themselves out. They quickly find a bench and sat down, still laughing at the jokes that they went by.

Kyoko then suddenly stood up, startling Tsuna. "Is that Gokudera and Haru?" She exclaimed as she pointed it to the two that is bickering with each other. Tsuna slaps himself on his forehead. This is definitely Reborn's doing. He walks towards the drink stall near-by and bought drinks for both of themselves.

"Arah, thank you Tsuna-kun!" Kyoko brings the straw to her mouth as she happily sucks the content in it.

"No problem! Let's sit back and enjoy the show." Tsuna gleams as he thought of what he just said. Is it me or am I turning rather sadistic?

"Ah? You're not going to help them or at least break them apart?"

"Not intending to." Tsuna smirked. Just then, Haru went ahead and slapped Gokudera. The two of them stood there, stunned, as they watch Haru run in the opposite direction. "On second thoughts, maybe I will confront Gokudera. Chase after Haru for me?"

"Okay!" Tsuna walked to Gokudera while Kyoko chased Haru.

"Part one is successful. Now we'll wait to commence the second." Reborn chirped through his phone. He looked through his Leon-Binoculars and smirked. He can tell that both Gokudera and Haru are laughing inside while running from the scene. He puts the binoculars towards his eyes again. He decides to feast his eyes at the two girls.


"Gokudera, Haru, they have entered the amusement park. They are bound to rest after sometime so separate them once you see them." A squeaky voice said through the phone.

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