Gokudera Hayato

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Gokudera watched Tsuna in anticipation, hoping to know more about him using observation. However, throughout the whole time, all he caught Tsuna doing was sleep, daze and trip everywhere. 

There was nothing special about him. 

He really wondered how the other students could pay attention to the teacher. The teacher could ignore the brunet and teach the class normally. In Italy, when a student sleeps, the teacher would be screaming while the others laughed. 

In this case, neither was happening.

Time flew past and it was soon time for lunch. 

Most of the students left the class in a flash, unable to endure another second in the stuffy classroom. Tsuna woke up from his sleep and rubbed his eyes. He made a sweeping glance across the classroom, only to find it nearly empty.

Oh, it's lunch now... Right, have to meet him. 

However, the silver head was not present; instead, on his table was another piece of paper.

At the back of school. Behind the gymnasium.

-Gokudera Hayato

He crushed the paper and tossed it into the dustbin. 

Following the instructions, he made his way to the back of the gym and saw the male with his arms crossed, his foot tapping against the ground impatiently. Gokudera looked, his eyes narrowed at the brunet and he gave off an aura, enough to frighten Tsuna. 

He straightened himself and walked over to Tsuna. He bent down and looked at him in the eye before turning away. 

Shocked, Tsuna quickly reaches out and grabs his wrist. Gokudera lets out a scowl.

"What do you want?"

"W-Why did you call me out?"

"Tch, you're not fit to be the Vongola tenth." Tsuna was bewildered. 

How did he know? 

"B-But I never asked to be it!"

"Seriously, Reborn-san, how can he be the heir? He's really a DA-ME (No-good)!" Gokudera groaned. Inside, he felt bad for insulting Tsuna. He has this feeling that Tsuna was not really a no-good but someone with a lot of hidden potential to be a wonderful boss.

"If you become boss, Vongola will be doomed! I'm the one worthy to be the boss." 

He really doubt himself. After all, he knows that he is no boss material. He always has this nightmare of being unable to protect someone, and it has been haunting him every night. The sight of falling before that person woke him up almost all the time.

When he looked at Tsuna, he could not help but find him very similar in looks to that blond man.

Gokudera flashed out two sticks of dynamites. 

"This is your end!" Tsuna's eyes widened in fear, "D-D-DYNAMITES?" 

Tsuna stood there shaking in fear but it stopped when a click was heard.

"This progression is fast. Faster than I expected." Reborn hopped out of his hiding place and set himself a top of Tsuna's fluffy hair.

"Gokudera Hayato."

Tsuna cocked an eyebrow. "Reborn, you know him?"

"I called him from Italy but this is my first time seeing him." Reborn answered.

Gokudera switched his stare to Reborn. "So you're the hitman the Ninth trusted. I've heard a lot about you, Reborn." 

Tsuna repeats the sentence in his head. 

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