Kendo Match

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Tsuna dumped his bag on the floor and jumped onto his bed, face down. Reborn hopped onto his head, earning a loud grunt from Tsuna. He raised Leon as it shape-shifts into a mallet.

"Get up! We still have many things to discuss about!" Reborn slammed the mallet down.

"Argh! What's that for?"

Reborn lowered his fedora as he starts interrogating. "What do you know about the Arcobaleno?"

Tuna scratched his head while staring elsewhere other than him, trying to gather answers yet none came. He kept mum, hoping that the infant would not pester for a reply.

But of course, Reborn always gets what he wants.

"Tsuna. Answer my questions or I'll shoot you." Reborn threatened.

He wanted to get more information out of the boy rather than the folder given to him by the Ninth. He intrigued him and he was not letting this chance to slip by.


Reborn was shocked by the girly shriek from the boy.

"Now, spill it."

Tsuna looked away dejectedly and opened his mouth to start talking.

Reborn is a good listener. Through out the whole story, Reborn just sat there, listening intently to Tsuna going on about the small things that pop out in his head; How he blurted things he found so vague yet so familiar but he never knew or saw them. Tsuna also told Reborn that he could see something others could not when he stared at certain people.

Reborn contemplated at what he heard and matched them with the details given to him by the Ninth.

Seems like the spies did not do much of a good job.

"Honestly, I have no idea who or what you're referring to. The things I've told you are true but no one can testify as the images only appears to me. However, there are a few others who seem to react to the names. Like Yamamoto Takeshi."

"I see."

"You're not here to just tutor me aren't you?" Tsuna frowned. His eyes flashed orange for a second, surprising Reborn. Interesting, it was said that his eyes never glowed orange after his birth. 

"Right, I'm not just here to tutor you for your studies. In fact, I've been sent here to train you. You've been chosen to become the tenth boss of Vongola and I'm here to train you into an admirable Mafia boss fit for the Vongola."

Reborn expected the boy to yell at him but the boy sat there silently and replied with a nod. "So the ninth sent you to train me huh... this is rather expected. So what's the reason?"

Reborn lifted his eyebrow under his fedora and took out a rather yellowed piece of paper. He handed it over to Tsuna who was already gazing out of the window.

"Primo moved to Japan after his retirement, changing his name from Giotto to Sawada Ieyasu. Nono's sons are all killed and you're the last legible heir left."

"How did the others die?" Tsuna asked, now peaked with curiosity even though he did not really want to know. 

Reborn took out three images and pointed to the first picture. The man in the image was in a pool of blood, a fatal shot in the head. Tsuna flinched at the sight. "Enrico, the most qualified, was killed in a gun fight."

The second picture was not as gruesome but it still shocked Tsuna. "Massimo, the second-in-line, was drowned by an enemy family."

The last picture had only bones. "Federico, the favoured son of Nono, was reduced to bones. The reason remains unknown till today."

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