Sawada Tsunayoshi

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Tsuna has officially finished his toast on the way, ready to step into the school grounds.

But his attire is another thing. 

It is so messy and so untidy, that person will definitely do the same to him again! 

Thinking about it made his head hurt. During the many times Tsuna tried to dodge that person, a platinum blond haired figure will appear. 

And because of that image, he dodged, counterattacked or even got hit by the person's sparkly metal rods, a.k.a. Tonfas.

And due to the fact that he managed to dodge and counterattack a few of his attacks, albeit too many times, this person dubbed him an 'omnivore' while others were classed as 'herbivores'. His classmates would stare at him dumbfounded and he had to dodge the multitude number of questions fired at him.

Back to the top, he was running towards the school gate because he was going to be late, not to mention that there was only one minute left. Despite knowing the time constrain, Tsuna screeched to a halt in front of the gates (apparently, he went too fast) and tidied himself. 

Another student came running as well, panting as he reached the gates. Tsuna turned his head, realizing that said student is one of the school's student idols, Yamamoto Takeshi.

The boy is famous for his looks, as well as talent in the baseball field. He is extremely athletic and a favourite amongst students during gym.

The complete opposite of Tsuna.

Just as he was about to turn away, Yamamoto's figure was clouded by an image of an older man that looked like him. He wore a light blue and white robe, a tall hat - worn by the noblemen of the imperial court during the Heian era (1). In his hand was a wooden flute.

Yamamoto looked at Tsuna, feeling the intense stare from the brunet. However, like Tsuna, something was obscuring his vision of the other and it made him feel unsettled. The raven head rubbed his eyes and the image was gone. 

Reborn, who was watching the whole exchange up in a tree, started to take down his multiple observations about his student.

"Herbivore and omnivore? Would you like to go to class fast or get bitten to death by me?" The duo snapped back at the word 'bite'. A shiver went down their spines as they shook their heads rapidly. 

"Gomenasai (2)! Hibari-san!" They answered in unison (Yamamoto apologized and laughed). Hibari watched the two run off, shaking his head while pinching the bridge of his nose. 

He thought to himself.

Why do I feel so familiar with them? And why am I so soft to them?

As for the two that narrowly escaped Hibari's punishment, they ran down the corridor and stopped in front of their class to catch their breath. 

Tsuna, who recovered faster, entered first. As usual, the whole class stood in front of the door, ready to horde the new guy with questions. However, as soon as Takeshi walked in, more than three quarter of the crowd left to question him. Tsuna heaved a sigh of relief and made his way to his seat.

As soon as he sat down, three ladies walked up to him.

"Ohayo Tsuna!" The orange haired one chirped. Tsuna's face flushed, blushing heavily at the sight. 

"O-Ohayo, Sasagawa-san!" 

One of the brunettes leaned over to Tsuna. "You like her don't you?"

The other brunette hair girl's eyes lit up, "Really? Tsuna-san?"

Tsuna wanted to tell them how he truly felt.

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