Training (part 1)

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"Go! Sawada! Extreme!" Ryohei shouted over the cliff. Tsuna looked up begrudgingly before shouting, "Quiet Onii-san!" You know Ryohei, his volume never goes down. Tsuna sighs in defeat. Suddenly, a familiar 'Kora' sounded and Ryohei starts running towards the source, not forgetting to shout back a cheer at the brunet. Hanging his head low, he sighed and pushed his arm upwards, only to fall back when an explosion erupted.

Falling, he cussed slightly. "Damn my guardians!" He screamed. And splash! Then a fountain appears from his mouth. Climbing to the edge of the river, he groaned at the sight of three pairs of polished leather shoes, and then a glittering green gun. Shutting his eyes, he groaned again."Get back up there and climb, Dame-Tsuna." An infant's voice rang clearly in his head. Groaning again, he started to climb the cliffs dreadingly. A blond and his companion stared up at the brunette in boxers in pity as they sighed again. Twenty-eighth time falling. Is he really who Reborn and Nono think he is?

"Ah!" Splash. The blond shook his head. The brunet spits the water out of his mouth again. "Lil' bro, you alright?" He asks as he offers him a bottle and a clean towel. Accepting it, they walked over to a huge rock and sat (slump) on it. He is really groaning a lot within the span of six hours as he groaned again.

"Ne, Dino-san, you said Reborn trained you. Right?" The blond, now known as Dino, nodded his head slowly and cautiously."Right and he has always been a spartan-like tutor from the start." Dino shivered.Tsuna slumps into his sore arms and groaned. "What have I gotten myself into?"



Tsuna is walking back to his house with his back hunched. He breathed out disappointingly.

Yamamoto has baseball practice while Gokudera is gone to refill his illegal supplies (mainly gunpowder for whatever weapon that requires gunpowder). Thus, he is walking back home on his own, dreading the demands from Lambo and Reborn. As he was about to reach his place, he froze in place.Why are there so many men in black in front of his house?!

Well, he moved forward towards the mass of black only to be stopped when a huge hand landed on his shoulder. "We only allow the Sawada's into the house." Tsuna stared into the man's eyes dumbfounded. "Eh? But my name is Sawada Tsunayoshi." As if the name being a cue, the men rearranged themselves into two orderly lines and saluted the small teenager. "Pardon us! Please, Sawada-sama!" Meekly, Tsuna walked through nervously before breaking into a run and slamming the wooden door shut behind him.

Worst, his house is filled with the same people. However, they look more burly. Using his small build, he squeezed in between the males before being able to reach for the clean air at his door. Heaving a sigh of relief, he turned the knob of his door, only to be greeted by a sea of men in his room. Shaking in anger, he finally screamed. "Why is there so many men in black suits standing in and out of my house? Not to mention, MY ROOM!"

For a moment, all eyes shifted towards a figure by the only window of Tsuna's room. He waved his hand and signalled everyone that they can take their leave. They bowed and evacuated the room immediately, seeing a fuming brunet. The figure sat in a leather chair and spun around, his face hung a bright grin on his face but his eyes were scrutinizing him closely. Kinda reminds him of Yamamoto. And then that blond started to make comments on him.

"He's no good!"

"He's got no aura."

"He presents himself terribly, not to mention scrawny."

"He's doesn't look ambitious."

"There's no sense of anticipation and he looks very unlucky."

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