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Hello. It's been a while.

This book is a dear to me, as well as many others. And I know many would want to see the end or a sequel to this story.

I have to apologise if I have given you guys something similar to false Hope.

I did plan a sequel. I really did. It was a Detective Conan and KHR crossover too. It was going to be that Kaitou KID and Detective Conan stumbled upon the Vongola during a Heist because the jewel was theirs. Conan/Shinichi were going to be cousins with Tsuna and Tsuna figures out his older cousin's secret and decides to help him bring the organisation down. Then they stumbled upon Kuroba Kaito, still in his KID garb on top of bags of rubbish because he got shot down on another heist. Then they figured that the organisations they were chasing were the same (both aiming for immortality) and decides to take Vongola/Tsuna' offer to join the Vongola and take down the organisation. Little did the group know, Shinichi and Kaito were the reincarnation of the Vongola's counterpart guardians -the guardians of the night. They were not passed to the next generations because the guardians then thought that the other generations would not need such positions because they failed theirs.

And the whole saga unravels in the organisation take-down situation.

Sounds exciting right? Problem is, I'm too busy with life to even write a chapter properly for other books (hence they were all request based books).

I was wondering if anybody wants to pick up on the idea. If you do, PM or contact me that you wanna try but there's a condition if you do.

You have to complete it.

I'll help you with the grammar and all if you need the help. But I would not be able to help you build the plot. I'll tell you if the chapter is okay to go or needs some correction to help with continuity. I won't be much of a help for the other factors.


I believe the one who takes on the story would be able to do so.

So... is anyone up for the challenge?

Edit: If you do pick it up but decide not to notify me, please at least credit the ideas or something.


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