We leave

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"Have you found her?" The brunet asked, his voice growing impatient. Ryohei paced around, shadow boxing at the same time to relieve some pent-up stress. Said man growled at him.

This was the eighteenth time he asked.

Irritated, he stood up and slammed his hand against the desk, his eyes glinting dangerously. "Herbivore, one more word from you and I'll make sure you would not have anymore descendants in the future."

Shocked, Tsuna whimpered and sat back onto the couch while Hibari resumed to his search. His spies everywhere were pouring in new information every hour that may lead to the right location.

With this Herbivore pressing him for information, Hibari may just feel like stopping his search in total. He glared at Tsuna every now and then, challenging him to ask him the same question again. Tsuna shrieked and shrank further into the couch.

However, the next one that asked was the loud older brother. "Have you found Kyoko to the extreme?" At least, this was a different voice, maybe he could tolerate it. Hibari shook his head solemnly. Ryohei sighed and sat opposite Tsuna before sipping a cup of isotonic drink provided by the skylark.

Just then, the door knocked and slid open. A tired Tetsuya panted, his hands clutching onto a tattered piece of paper. "Kyo-san!"


"We found her at the their base. The spies from Southern Italy infiltrated their base and found her locked up in the prison." Tsuna and Ryohei jumped at the news. Their eyes sparkled together but suddenly, they changed colour and the mood became serious. Hibari's eyes turned purple as well. The other guardians began to stream in as well, their eyes flickering in an different colour. Tetsuya watched in amazement.

"Primo, is there news?" Gokudera spoke up.

"Alaude's informant claims that she -or they are in Italy." Tsuna turns to said incarnation, cocking an eyebrow for confirmation. The latter nods in reply.

"Then we shall head there immediately." A new voice squeaked. However, this voice is no foreign voice. They turned their heads in unison, showing the new voice their current state. He shook the aura off. "Reborn."

"We will leave at noon today, to Italy. I expect our Hibari to come as well." Reborn said, glancing at everyone, purposely narrowing his eyes on the male he mentioned, watching their reactions. They seemed to be alright with the arrangement. Hibari grunted in approval.

At ten, everyone was dragged out of the classroom by the discipline head, reason being something important had happened in their house; being a filial son/daughter, they are to leave right away. Thanking him, all of them rushed home and started packing. Chrome and Mukuro had finished packing already, having no school thus nothing tying them down.

Tsuna looked at his duffel bag. Five sets of clothes, undergarments included; deodorant spray, water bottle, his mother's picture, his gloves and the dying will pills he received from Basil. He got that as an extra gift by him to activate the will forcefully since he has no idea how to do it willingly. "That should do it," he muttered. Lambo, who packed along side with him, squealed in delight at his complete pack, showing the contents excitedly to his big brother figure. It was filled with his grenades, candies and... more candies.

"Lambo! You can't bring all that candy! And I doubt you can finish them either." Tsuna chided and stuck his hand into the pack. Lambo cried aloud in protest until Reborn knocks him out, earning a whimper before darkness took him. Tsuna heaved a sigh of relief, taking some of the candies out. He decides to pocket them too.

Quietly, he stepped out of the house with his companions, leaving a short "love you!" note to his mother at the doorstep because she is out grocery shopping. A car pulled up at his door, surprising him. "Huh? Who?"

The window reeled open, revealing a familiar blond and his trusty subordinate. "Dino-san! What are you doing here?" The brunette exclaimed. Said boss grinned. "Reborn asked me to. You know I can't turn him down!"

Tsuna looked away, his brain not believing a single word the older one said. I guess he was forced by Reborn in submitting to his will. Crap, even my intuition says so. He grimaced a little at his thoughts before shrugging them away, preventing their tutor from reading them.

Reborn hopped off his shoulder and kicked through the open glass. "Unlock the door, baka-dino." He squeaked, knocking his ex-student out immediately. Romario's finger pressed a button, safely unlocking the door.

Why safely?

Because all the other buttons were tampered by the sadistic reincarnation called Reborn.

Tsuna scurried onto the vehicle, placing his belongings beside him. "You do know where to go right?" He questioned, tilting his head slightly. Romario nodded and stepped on the accelerator, starting the drive to the airport.


Ryohei paced up and down, stomping his feet impatiently. He stopped and punched his fists into the air, loudly shouting, "when is he coming to the extreme?"

Gokudera's patience broke as he snapped out in the various colourful languages. "Would you keep quiet? Giotto would be coming soon so shut up and sit down!" He huffed and fell back onto the cream-coloured sofa. The sofa very, VERY, comfortable but right now, it felt hard like rock. Patience was running thin as they glanced many times at the gate, hoping for their tardy boss to appear.

"Tsuna... Is really late."

"Kufufu... Yes, he is."

Before they could fall asleep, a loud and obnoxious cry could be heard, followed by a meek one; then a bossy voice. "Tsuna. Gimme candy!"

"NO! We should actually take our time to view what we normally don't see at Namimori instead of arguing over candies in the car. Besides, you're going to get cavity problems if you keep eating candy!"

"That's right, Lampo. Listen to your boss. However, I would like to murder the both of you for being so restless and noisy in the car. You people are practically older than me on so many levels! You displayed childishness! I'll grow white hair faster at this rate..."

Everyone, except the cool crew, jumped at the new voice, their eyes gleaming in anger. Even the little grey puppy was growling ferociously. "You three, where were you? Why were you late?" He asked. Said three paused and looked at their audience. Tsuna broke into a guilty smile. "Sorry-"

"SORRY DOES NOT CUT IT! You're nearly an hour late. We agreed to meet at eleven and now is near twelve!" Gokudera snapped, his hair standing at their ends, his face red with anger. He pointed at the only clock in the room, "HOW LONG WERE YOU GOING TO MAKE US WAIT?"

They pointed their fingers at each other, pushing the blame. However, the one that got the majority vote was the cow-like boy, Lambo. "He took too long to pack his bag." The two older ones said in unison. Said culprit pouted and stuck out his tongue, about to retort back when five fists collided into his face, vulgarities spewing from their mouths. "Waiting for you in Italy to GET LOST!"

Tsuna paled at their reaction, pulling his bag towards the check-in point. Dino went ahead to another private airport. He took a deep breath as his forehead caught flames. "Let's go."

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