Training (part 2)

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Tsuna's arms flapped widely as he balanced himself in the middle of huge barrels of explosives. Dino had left for the trouble kid while his father had went off to somewhere he is not bothered about. Basil and Reborn stood far from the mines while screaming instructions to 'stay alive' at the struggling brunet. Seriously, which tutor would make their student stand on a small pitiful flat rock on one leg in the middle of hundred over explosives?! That's Reborn and the Mafia trainings for you.

"Don't worry Sawada-dono, I have reduced the amount of gun powder in the explosives." Basil chirped happily. Tsuna paled at the news. "IT'S NOT COMFORTING!" Basil just shrugged.

"Dame-Tsuna, concentrate!" Reborn shouted. For that moment, Tsuna turned his head around and shouted back. "What did you say- Ah!" He slipped. Boom!Reborn shook his head in disappointment as he went forward to retrieve his student. "He still have got long ways to go."

-With the two mists-
From the town area, Chrome stopped and turned her head over to where she could hear an explosion. She could see smoke rising from one side of the mountain.

"Is there any problem, my dear Chrome?" Mukuro asked. Chrome shook her head and smiled back at her brother. Not that Mukuro did not notice the loud sound, he just choose to ignore it. "Okay then, let's head back home and continue our training." Chrome fingered the ring she held onto. The patterns seem familiar but she could not wrap a finger around it. At the same time, she knows that the ring should not be that way, like what she saw in her dreams.

Just then, another explosion shook her out of her thoughts and a shiver went down her spine. She glanced at Mukuro and saw that sadistic smirk. Before she knew it, she was shaking her head at the childish thoughts of her twin.

Inwardly, Mukuro laughed. That skylark is not going to like his town getting destroyed by his very own boss.Good luck to both of you~

-With Hibari-
Hibari sneezed consecutively. Kusakabe handed him a clean piece of tissue. "You may take your leave now." The vice chairman bowed and left.

Just as he could sink into his beloved silence and solitude, the door of his office creaked open. Opening an eye, he saw a blond herbivore and a herbivore wearing sunglasses. Anger built up within him. Those two broke a few rules already and he does not like it. He narrows his eyes dangerously at the visitors.

Sensing a choking aura emitted from the boy, Dino mustered his courage and spoke up. "Hibari Kyoya. Am I right?"

"Who are you? Where are your visitor passes?" Hibari hissed.

"Ah? We have to carry some passes to get in? My bad!" Dino laughed and scratched his head. A vein popped in Hibari. "Anyway, I am Reborn's acquaintance and I am tasked to tutor you." Hibari smirked and took out his tonfas. "The infant's... then you must be strong." He jumped out of his sofa and launched at the blond.

Dino let out a small yelp before his hands went into action. His whip entangle into the skylark's weapons. "Let's take it to the roof shall we? We're going to damage more property if we keep up this fight here." He persuaded. The words sank into Hibari as he collapsed his weapons. Dino heaved in relief and passed the ring to his new student, not that Hibari acknowledges him as one.

He watched as Hibari's fingers clasp around the object and his eyes glazed purple violently. His fingers tightened around it as his fist shook, maybe in anger. His teeth grit and his breaths came faster. Sensing something very wrong, he grabbed the prefect's shoulders and looked into his far etched eyes.


"Here!" Giotto handed him a ring. He was about to refuse when he saw Giotto's dark orange eyes, filled with determination, urging for him to take it. "What is it for?"

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