Truth's out

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"Now now, where could they be in this blasted place? The mist bastard said that they travelled in..." The raven head mumbled under his breath. He moved stealthily in the shadows, recognising an almost dead sun guardian of the other family lying on the floor. He quirked an eyebrow, wondering who in Vongola had beaten the man up until he is bleeding all over. 

"Alaude ka?"

He looked into the dark, hearing a familiar voice from within. Just then, his head throbbed and images of two guardians in his perspective flooded his mind. He had a feeling that another platinum blond streak appeared, signalling another step into recovering all his forgotten memories. However, he did wonder. In the past, he had also recalled quite a number of memories, yet they never changed his hair colour. Besides, it is against the rules to go to school with dyed hair, not that he could help it in this case. 


"Indeed, Alaude. Why are you here?"

The cloud scoffed at the question, knowing fully that the question need not be asked at all. He took a closer look at the other properly, quickly noting the change. The boy in his arms is out cold, with a few scars visible as well as the blood splattered on his shirt. He understood what had happened already. 

"Did you do this?"

"No, Cozart did it, out of anger. He almost extremely killed the man!"

Hibari felt a smirk creep up his face. He is disappointed that the man was not kill though and the sun guardian was clearly unhappy with his response.

"He should have done so."

"You're extremely horrible!"


The remaining members of the group continued to walk further into the hideout, their eyes and ears alert to any difference in their surroundings. They were careful not to bring their electric torches, fearing that the enemy may catch them red-handed. They kept their voices to the minimum, especially when memories of two of their guardians freed themselves in their heads, and they knew there would be another strand of their "original" hair colours. Gokudera even complained about a searing feeling on his face, like something tattooing itself there. Tsuna wondered if it was that flame design that G had.

They had been travelling for more than ten minutes in the dark, not knowing where the next destination is or who would be appearing next. Thus, they decided to do a head count again, to see if everyone is still present, except the few who left to deal with the enemies and the one that ditched them from the very beginning. As quietly as they could, they counted themselves.







With a self-satisfied grin, the brunet started to walk again when he remembered an important fact about their group. THERE SHOULD ONLY BE FIVE! WHO'S THE SIXTH? He halted in his tracks, causing the few behind to ram into him, creating a human heap on the murky ground. Reborn (who had been forgotten by both the group and I) managed to stop in time.

Gokudera cussed under his breath, still very aware that they are sneaking around in enemy territory. Silently, he lifted his choice finger and everyone scrambled off of him, including the newly arrived red head. 

"Enma! I never knew that I would meet you here. I thought you'll still be in Japan handling that side of any enemies."

Said boy shrugged his shoulders casually, pretending to dig his ears to clear them and flick the dirt onto the floor. The hitman flinched in disgust. 

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