Bovino Lambo

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"Lampo! where did my cake go?"

"U-Uh? W-What cake?"

"Lampo, don't lie."

"B-But I didn't take any cake!"

"Don't lie. Spill the truth out now."

"But I really didn't!"


"-Gya!" Tsuna screamed as a bolt of electricity ran through him. He jolted awake and looked into the black eyes of Reborn. He was dressed in a doctor costume, instead of his normal get-up.

"What's wrong with you? Do you have to shock me awake? And what's with that costume?" Tsuna screamed.

"You should be lucky that you woke up. Other people normally don't wake up from the shock." Reborn stated monotonously, ignoring the last question. 

That's because they died! 

Tsuna wanted to ask the last question again but was quickly interupted by the opening of the door. Nana poked her head into view and smiled at the two boys. Tsuna paled at his mother's expression. After all, they always mean something. 

"Ne Tsu-kun, three pretty girls are standing at the door and they are asking for you. Do you want to meet them? Ara! Tsu-kun has grown up!" 

Nana's face sparkled as she went on about Tsuna and the said boy could not help but slap himself inwardly while trying to keep a strained smile on his face. "Mom! I'll get them." He raised his voice as his face turned beetroot red. He quickly ran out of the room and down the stairs, not forgetting to trip mid-air and tumble down too.

"Guh..." He quickly stood up and rub his sore chin. Even though this was a daily occurrence, his body had not gotten used to it. He walked into the living room and stood at a corner, awkwardly. Three pairs of eyes darted in his direction, sending shivers down his spine. He coughed.

"Erm, hi? Do you need anything? Wait, let me get you some drinks!" 

As he was about to speed out, a warm hand grabbed tightly onto his wrist. He tried to yank it but failed. He turned his head and saw Kyoko there, stopped trying to escape and stood there.

"I want to answer your question Tsuna." She released her grip on the poor boy who was sweating bullets. 

"W-What question?" Tsuna stammered. 

Kyoko's cheeks turned bright pink as she gathers her courage to speak. "Remember the time you asked me to go out with you?(1)" Hana and Haru suddenly turned excited to hear the conversation. They lifted their hands to their ears, to hear what they say.

"Ah, t-that time... W-Why?"

"I just said I'll answer you."

"So what's your answer?"

"I... I'll go. Yeah, I'll go with you." Kyoko shuts her eyes tight and breathed out. She continued to blush, waiting for the other's answer. Slowly, she opens one eye and looked at the brunet, but to her surprise, she sees the image blond man as a name appeared in her mind.


Subconsciously, she reached out and touched his face but pulled back quickly.

"Kyoko-chan?" Tsuna's cheeks burned red. 

Oh my gosh! Did Kyoko-chan just? 

Kyoko blinked again and saw him with a confused face. She quickly shook her head to forget the image (unfortunately, it didn't work).

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