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"Wanna go out?" Jay asked after filling the fridge with food he bought.

"You don't have work today?" I asked since he's been going out because of his work, though I don't know what his job is.

"Nope. I asked for a day-off. I also got in touch with the people you worked with. They'll be meeting us at the studio." He said as I looked at him.

"Studio?" I asked.

"Yeah. The dance studio you managed." He said and I jolted up.

"I manage a studio!? For real!?" I exclaimed in surprise.

I've always wanted to run a dance studio in my first life. I've learned ballet when I was young and continued to pursue it in college. I got into the college of music and arts where I joined drama clubs and dance troupes. To think that Pete lived the life I always wanted makes my heart flutter in excitement.


"W-wow..." I whispered as we got in the studio that Jay mentioned.

Mirrors covered the walls of the spacious dance studio. I thought it would be a simple dance studio but I didn't expect it to be this wide. I followed Jay walk in before taking a deep breath as I felt a familiar feeling. I remembered the time when I trained to be a ballerina and felt the same feeling when I stayed overtime to practice for the dance troupe. I really missed being in a place where I can be free without anyone looking.

"Oppa!!!" A woman's voice echoed which surprised me.

I looked behind me and three people stood at the entrance, two girls and a guy.

"Oppa! Do you know how worried we were!? You suddenly closed the studio and never contacted us. If it wasn't for Jay oppa, we wouldn't have any idea of what happened to you." The woman infront of me complained as she crossed her arms to her chest.

"U-uhm... I'm sorry but..." I hesitated as I glanced at Jay for help.

"Hey, Sam. Take it easy. You know oppa doesn't remember us." The other girl said as she slapped the other girl's arm.

"Oh shit you're right. I'm so sorry oppa." She apologized with a slight bow.

"So... I'm Yuna, I worked as a part-time instructor for two years." The girl on the right introduced herself, looking cute with a dimple on her cheek.

"I'm Bam, assistant coach for three years. Also, your heir." The guy on the left introduced as the two girls looked at him.

"Hey stop altering facts you punk!" The girl in the middle complained before pinching his arm making him jolt in pain.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Samantha, Sam for short. Bam and I are Thai but we've been living here for years. Yuna's full Korean but she speaks little Thai since we taught her." Sam proudly said before smiling.

None of them felt familiar but I think it's normal since I'm not Pete in the first place.

"U-uhm... nice to meet you. I'm really sorry that I can't remember you all." I apologized as their faces sank.

"Don't worry oppa. We'll help you remember things. That's what we're here for!" Sam exclaimed as her face brightened.

"Oh, what about Mak? Is he coming?" Jay asked as the three shrugged.

Mak, another one to meet huh?

I guess someone named Mark (since 'Mark' is often pronounced as 'Mak') also worked under me. My introvert side is already kicking in and just meeting these people is already draining me.

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