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Vegas couldn't help but smile as he entered the civil register office. However, as his eyes roamed the area, he couldn't seem to see any sign of Pete. Checking his wrist watch, Vegas turned to Arm who stood by his side. 

"Shouldn't they be here b now?" Vegas asked as Arm also looked around.

Then, Arm's phone rang which he immediately grabbed from his pocket.

"Pol, where are you?" Arm asked as Vegas looked at him.

Vegas felt anxious as he saw how Arm's expression changed.


"Where is he?" Pete asked as soon as he saw Tawan.

Following Tawan's instructions, Pete secretly drove off after leaving Venice under the head maid's care. Since Tawan clearly said to come alone, Pete made sure none of the guards saw him.

The location was an hour away from the city, at an abandoned amusement park. Though afraid for his safety, Pete felt more scared of what might happen to Macau if he doesn't do as Tawan wanted.

"Aren't you going to greet me first? I'm glad you made it all the way here." Tawan said as he walked towards Pete.

"I'm not here to have a chat. Where is Macau." Pete repeated through gritted teeth making Tawan's expression go sour.

Tawan then raised his hand and a man stepped out from behind a wooden wall. Pete's eyes widened as soon as he saw Macau. The young man had his hands tied together and had a few bruises on his face.

"H-hyung..." Macau weakly called as his eyes shook if fear.

"Oops. Not too fast." Tawan said as soon sa Pete was about to take a step towards the young one.

"I'm here now so let him go!" Pete exclaimed as Tawan smiled, obviously delighted.

Tawan then walked towards Pete before holding him by the throat. Pete held on to Tawan's wrist and tried to struggle free but stopped the moment he saw the guy behind Macau hold a gun against the young one's head.

"That's right, be the obedient lamb that you are... My Khiara."

Pete paused as he stared back at Tawan. It's then that Pete finally understood what this was all about. Tawan did love Khiara but it wasn't what everyone thought. He loved her way more than he should.

"I'm not Khiara." Pete said back as Tawan's stared back to his eyes.

Tawan suddenly let go before slapping Pete on the cheek hard. It was so strong that Pete fell to the ground and felt dizzy.

"Hyung! You bastard! Phi will kill you for this!!!" Macau shouted as the man behind him pinned the young one to the ground.

Tawan then crouched down and held Pete by the cheek, making the latter face him.

"khiara... Why are you so stubborn?" Tawan asked making Pete bite the back of his cheek to avoid talking back.

Pete looked back at Macau and saw him face down on the ground. Pete felt anxious but he has to calm down. He knows he needs to buy more time and to do so, he has to distract Tawan. Meaning, he needs to play along.

"Ph-phi..." Pete almost whispered as Tawan's face lit up in excitement.

"Yes, yes. Phi's here. You don't have to marry that bastard anymore, hm? I'll help. Phi will save you." Tawan said, as if lost in a trance as he caressed Pete's cheek.

Tawan then helped Pete stand up as Pete tried to think of what to do next.

"Phi... Can't you let go of that kid now?" Pete tried his luck as he held Tawan's arm, looking at him with those pleading eyes.

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