15: PAST (2)

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Pete roamed his eyes as he was met with statues and lanterns as soon as Mikana opened the gate to the manor where the shaman stayed. He felt goosebumps all over his body as they walked further at what looked so much as a temple rather than a house.

"You can come here next week to meet the lady. Though am not sure if she'll entertain you" Mikana said as they stood in front of the altar entrance.

Pete couldn't help but roam his eyes around the unfamiliar place. It looked unfamiliar but also somehow comforting in some way.

"Please leave now. You already know the place as you've requested." Mikana suddenly reminded Pete making the young man let out a chuckle.

"You really know how to compliment the mood, huh?" Pete said in sarcasm as the young lady looked at him confused.

"Compliment the mood?" Mikana asked making Pete laugh at her innocence.

"You're really funny--" Pete was cut off when his stomach suddenly grumbled.

Remembering it now, Pete didn't have time to eat after leaving the registry. He felt too preoccupied to even feel hungry.

"Uhm... Sorry about that..." Pete apologized as Mikana stared at him before looking down to his hand that rubbed his tummy.

As innocent and blunt as Mikana can be, she cannot ignore a hungry fellow. However, the young one felt unsure as she remembered the extravagant feast the Saengtham family prepared for them. Then again, it wouldn't hurt to offer what she can.

"We have bread and tea... If you would like some..." Mikana offered with hesitation but the moment she glanced at Pete, her uncertainty faded.

Pete smiled as if he just heard the best thing ever and Mikana couldn't help but stare in awe at his behavior. Pete is obviously a child from a wealthy family and Mikana could see his comfortable upbringing. To act like this with the mere offer of bread and tea, he's truly a peculiar one.


"Wah... That hit the spot. Thank you, Mikana." Pete smiled as they sat on the floor with empty cups and some bread left on the plates.

"You only had three slices and tea, are you sure you're full?" Mikana asked since it was odd for a grown teen like him to eat so little.

"Ah... You noticed haha. Well, I... Have this condition that I can't eat much." Pete confessed making Mikana's brows furrow.

"Are you sick?" Mikana asked with a worried tone making Pete chuckle.

"You can say that haha. But it's not that bad so don't worry." Pete assured her with a sweet smile making Mikana blush before looking away.

"I-I'm not worried, silly. I don't even know you that much for me to worry." Mikana said back as Pete tilted his head.

"Sh really... So you just give bread and tea to hungry strangers?" Pete teased her even more.

"W-well, it's what we were taught so don't feel special." Mikana insisted as Pete cackled at her reasoning.

Hearing Pete's outrageous laugh, Mikana couldn't help but laugh as well. They laughed for a moment as silence slowly grew between them. Mikana then turned to Pete and she saw how he stared outside, staring at the dark sky above them.

"Do you like the rain?" Pete suddenly asked making Mikana look away.

"Uhm... Not actually. It's cold when it rains and lady Hasna would have a hard time sleeping because of her wound." Mikana answered referring to the shaman as Pete smiled, still staring at the starless sky.

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