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Pete kept twisting and turning at the mirror, checking himself for the nth time and feeling anxious as if he's going on a first date. He never imagined the day he'd finally commit his love would actually come.

"You look perfect." Vegas suddenly whispered after suddenly hugging him from behind.

"V-Vegas! You said you'd wait for me outside." Pete said, pushing away Vegas' hand to loosen his grip before turning to face him.

"I missed you." Vegas suddenly said, his hands on Pete's waist as he pulled the latter close to him.

"Vegas, behave yourself, okay? The ceremony's just a few hours." Pete said, cupping Vegas' face as the latter rolled his eyes.

"Fine. I'll wait outside... if you kiss me first." Vegas suddenly said making Pete let out a chuckle.

To think that the esteemed Vegas Theerapanyakun would be acting like this in front of him, Pete couldn't help but adore the man even more. They've been through so much and everything that happened just strengthened them, especially the feelings they have for each other.

"Okay, just one kiss." Pete gave up before planting a light kiss on Vegas' lips.

However, Vegas suddenly held the back of his head and deepened the kiss. Pete's eye flapped open as soon as he felt Vegas' tongue in him and he knows he has to stop this before things escalate further.

"V-Vegas—hmp! Vegas, stop. You promised." Pete reminded the latter in between their kiss making Vegas pause as he remembered what Pete was talking about.

'I swear to contain myself until the honeymoon.' Was the promise Vegas pledged.

'And if you fail to comply?' Pete asked as Vegas rolled his eyes at that time.

'No sex for a week.' Vegas repeated the condition Pete laid out for him.

"Ugh... damn it." Vegas mumbled making Pete stifle as smile.

"Now wait for me outside, hm?"



The crowd applauded as Vegas and Pete walked down the aisle, smiling and waving at the guests that managed to come. Though Pete's father refused to attend the wedding, his mother and brothers were more than happy to attend the celebration. Pete never really expected anyone of them to come and upon seeing them, Pete can't help but tear up.

"Made it, my goodness." Porsche uttered as soon as he sat on the table reserved for the Theerapanyakun family.

"Seriously Phi? I told you the ceremony starts at nine." Macau complained as Porsche turned to the man beside him.

"Tell it to this man." Porsche hissed as he slapped Kinn's lap.

"What? We arrived here earlier than anyone else." Kinn said making Macau look at him in confusion.

"I saw them go in one of the rooms at the second floor." Tankhun, Kinn's older brother, spilled making Porsche blush in embarrassment.

"Seriously Phi?" a voice said from behind and Porsche immediately smiled at the sight of the guest.

"Hey, Kim! I mean, Mr. Jeff hahaha." Porsche teased as Kim sat on the vacant chair beside him.

"I thought you were busy?" Kinn asked making Kim turn to him.

"I wouldn't miss Vegas' second wedding for the world." Kim said with a smirk making the group chuckle, the two truly are best of friends.

With chatter and cheers, the wedding ceremony to bound the two went on and silence soon filled the room as they waited to hear the couple's vows.

"People still look at me with questioning eyes everytime I tell them how kind-hearted and sweet you are hahaha." Pete started with a chuckle making almost everyone laugh as well since they know how Vegas was before.

"We used to get into each other's nerves and would argue nonstop. From being the man I hated to becoming my protector, my lover, and my best friend. From way you maintain your temper for me and Venice to the little acts of love you secretly do, I find myself falling in love with you over and over again. I love you, Vegas. And I promise to love you and only you for the rest of my life." Pete smiled as he stared at Vegas, holding each other's hands while they faced each other.

"Oh shit, I promised I won't cry." Macau suddenly said making the people who heard it chuckle at his sudden interruption.

"Ahem... uh..." Vegas cleared his throat, looking away for a while before looking back at the man in front of him.

"I vow on my life to love and protect you, Pete." Vegas said making Pete smile at how the latter blushed in embarrassment.

"Oh come on! Say more!" Porsche suddenly shouted making the crowd go along with teasing the man of the hour.

"Lame, Vegas. You can do better!" Kim added, not missing the chance to tease his best friend.

"You said you loved Pete! Be more romantic!" Tankhun also went in making everyone laugh at what was happening.

"Shut up." Vegas mouthed at their direction but they just laughed harder, totally loving their cousin's pissed-off face.

Vegas then faced Pete once again and automatically smiled when he was meat with Pete's smiling face.

"Ahem, uh... I... I never thought I'd be given the chance to be loved again. Specially by someone like you, Pete. You coming into my life is the best thing that ever happened to me and I want you to know that. I want you to know how much you mean to me and Venice, how much you mean to this family. I promise to love you, protect you, and cherish you... my Pete."

Thus, the marriage ended with the newly married couple's first kiss as husbands.



Okay! Finally got to end this story!

What do you think about this story? You can also post questions about the plot or the parts that confused you so I can clarify it.

Also, I love reading your comments and I really appreciate the votes and follow. Thank you so much for giving this story a chance.

Lastly! Make sure to check out Venice's story (Standard 100: The Mafia Heir). It's already complete so yeah.

Also, ongoing stories are also available. Mostly BossNoeul, FortPeat, GeminiFourth, and NetJames. ZeeNunew stories are on my other account Frustytella. Make sure to check them out!



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