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"Oh my..." I couldn't help but utter as the room glowed red after I pressed the switch.

I stepped in and saw two monitors on the side. Upon checking, it looked like a CCTV monitor since it showed various areas of the house, a total of eight different angles can be seen. I walked further as I saw a computer set in the middle of the room and in front of it was a huge sofa. The room was also decorated with cuffs and chains that hanged on the walls. It gave off a weird and uncomfortable vibe the longer I looked at it.

I got near the computer and pulled the drawer on the side. I saw a cucumber-like gadget together with fluffy cuffs and blindfold. I got what seemed to be a toy as I tried to decipher what it was. I jolted as I pressed a button and it started vibrating. It's when I realized what I was holding and quickly threw it back to the drawer.

"Oh my gosh Pete... What have you been doing?" I asked to myself as I realized where I was.

It's a freaking sex dungeon!


"Ugh, what did I expect?" I grunted as the desktop asked for a password after I turned on the computer.

I sighed as I tried to get a grip of the situation. I never knew Pete's sexuality and according to Macau, he never let anyone in this house. It's impossible that he took his sex partners here when he doesn't even let his close friends in. I'm getting a bad feeling about this.

I was about to close the drawer when I saw a piece of paper on the side, more like a calling card. I pulled it out and read the name on it.

"Felix Kang... Private detective?"


"Hey, food's ready." Jay called out as I sat on the living room.

I've been thinking of asking him about the room I found but I'm too ashamed to do so. I also thought that maybe Pete hid it on purpose, that it was a secret fetish he had that he didn't want to tell others. Just recalling the room is making me nauseous already.

"Thank you for the food." I said as I got a spoon.

We ate in silence as I tried to organize my thoughts. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it but the calling card kept bugging me. Somehow, I'm getting curious of what Pete has been doing with his life.

"Hey, can you tell me something. Did I... do weird stuff before?" I asked as Jay ate a spoonful.

"Weird stuff? Like what?" He asked as he started chewing.

"Am I gay?" I asked a rice flew from his mouth and into my face.

"What the--" Jay couldn't talk as he kept coughing, choking from the rice he had in his mouth.

"You are disgusting." I said as I wiped my rice-covered face with my hand.

"Fuck --- why the fuck would you ask that?" He asked as he drank a glass of water.

"Well, I'm just curious. So... am I?" I asked as he avoided my gaze.

"Well... you're normal, that's it." He then said as I rolled my eyes.

I knew I can't expect him to know anything. He sees me as an innocent friend and the last thing he'll think is me having a freaking sex dungeon on my basement.

"Oh, by the way. I'll be heading out tomorrow." I said as he nodded.

"Okay. I can ask for a day off---"

"Alone. I want to go alone." I cut him off as he quickly looked at me.

"What?" He asked as I, once again, saw his furrowed brows.

"What? I'm already getting used to going out. I can also commute on my own. If I get lost, I can just take a cab." I insisted as he placed his spoon on the table.

"Pete, you've just recovered from a stab wound and now you want to get out and cause more trouble? And what? Alone? Do you know how dangerous it is out there?" He nagged as I also placed my spoon on the table and looked him straight in the eyes.

"You can't make me stay here forever. I have to get used to everything sooner or later and I want to start now." I said back as he closed his eyes before taking a deep breath.

"How can I let you be when the minute I take my eyes off you, you get into a shit full of trouble?" He ranted, raising his voice a little.

"It was just an accident!" I said as he glared at me.

"That's not JUST an accident! I don't wanna fucking come home to a dead person!" He slammed the table as my eyes widened in surprise.

He looked at me before looking away, he's definitely furious. I held my breath as I watched him stand and leave the dining table, straight to the door.

"W-what the hell was that?" I asked as I realized just how loud he yelled at me.


"Pete? You asleep?" I heard Jay said after opening the door to my room.

"What?" I asked without bothering to look at him as I slept on my side and I heard him walk towards me while I waited in silence for him to talk.

"I'm... sorry..." He almost whispered as I opened my eyes.

"I just... don't want anything bad to happen to you. I don't want to lose the only friend I have."

I can't help but feel my heart sink as I listened to him. Maybe he does care about Pete but this level of caring is terrifying, it's too controlling. I kept my mouth shut as I waited for him talk more. Silent treatment will definitely work for him to change that controlling attitude of his.

"Fine, I'll leave you be. Just promise to contact me asap if you get lost or anything." He said in defeat as I smiled secretly.


"And if you turn left, you'll find a bus stop. You can use the card I gave you to pay." Jay has been nagging for thirty minutes straight on the phone since I got up.

"Jay, I'll be okay." I said for the fifth time as I heard another sigh from him.

"Fine, fine. I'll try to get home earlier to pick you up. Just send me your location." He said as I gave it a thought.

Well, I guess he could pick me up. It's better than him following me around.

"Okay, I'll update you." I said as I went to the bathroom to wash my hair.


I took a deep breath as I dialed the number on the card. I don't know who this Felix Kang is but seeing his card in that room means he knows something about Pete.

"Hello, Felix Kang speaking." A deep voice answered after picking up my call.

"Hello.. Mr. Detective?" I hesitated as the latter kept silent for a while.

"Hello?" I asked, bothered at how quiet he was.

"Boss? Is that you?" He suddenly asked as I tilted my head in confusion.

"Oy boss! I thought you'd never call me!" He said in that deep voice that kind of got me taken aback.

From the way he talked, he sounds very foreign. His voice is also deep, he's probably around mid-thirties or so. He's also informal when talking so the boss term is more like a nickname than a position-earned one.

"Uhm... can we meet up?" I asked as I heard something break on the other line.

"M-meet up? For real? Sure, sure! Where?" He gladly asked as I smiled.

He doesn't sound like a bad person. I have a feeling that he's a nice person.


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