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Three days passed and the house has been quiet as the two stayed in their areas, Pete in front of his computer at the 'secret' room while Vegas stayed in the living room which he transformed into a personal office.

Three days and Pete only found more videos and a few project files for the studio until finally, he found a suspicious folder. It's named 1209 and was also secured with a password. It's odd since the old Pete seemed to not care about exposing his sex videos but had this one file hidden.

"So one folder with password. We can ask help, if that's fine with you." Vegas proposed as he stood behind Pete who sat on the gaming chair.

"You know someone who can open this?" Pete asked, turning his head to look at Vegas/

"Yeah, an old friend." Vegas answered as Pete glared at him.

"So you mean to say, you have a friend that can help me with this all along?" Pete asked, annoyed.

"You never asked." Vegas reasoned as Pete rolled his eyes.

Vegas turned away with a smile on his lips. He really did have a friend but he just wanted to spend more time with Pete. Dialing a number, Vegas had his phone on one ear as Pete cursed at him in his mind.

"Hey, you busy?" Vegas asked when the latter answered the call.

"Not much. What would the great Vegas Theerapnayakun need from a humble peasant like myself?" Shawn asked as the latter scoffed.

Shawn is an old friend of Vegas who works under Kinn's order. Being a talented hacker, there is nothing this man can't do.

"I need your help opening some files." Vegas said as Shawn let out a long whine on the other line.

"That's it? Here I am expecting some action." Shawn complained making Vegas chuckle.

"You already get too much from your missions. Just do it."


With Shawn connecting to Pete's PC using Vegas' phone, the two watched as Shawn did his thing.

"Ah, how's your son?" Vegas asked when he suddenly remembered.

"Doing great. He's got computer skills just like me. I'm thinking of having him enroll in a police academy." Shawn boasted.

"Police academy? Seriously?" Vegas asked since he's quite sure of the latter's line of work.

"What's with the tone, you bastard. I'll probably quit once he grows up. Can't have him catching me one day hahaha." Shawn laughed on the other line.

With a few more stories and kidding around, the file was finally open.

"What are these?" Pete asked himself as he scrolled through around 50 word files.

Clicking the first file open, the two looked at each other at the first page with the words "dawn". Scrolling through it, Pete recognized that it was a story. However, nothing feels familiar about it.

Pete decided to print out a few pages of the file to read it, hoping he could find something. With Vegas busy reading the proposals he received on the study table they placed in the living room, Pete was busy reading the print outs. Having short breaks to eat and have showers, the two continued doing their thing.

On their sixth night of staying in the house, Pete looked rather exhausted as he fell asleep on the couch. Moving his eyes away from the screen, Vegas smiled as he saw the latter's peaceful state. Stretching his hands, Vegas stood up and got on his knees to watch Pete's sleeping face.

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