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"I said I'm fine!" I insisted as I slapped the bed I sat on.

"You kept saying your hurt so we have to be sure your wound isn't infected! You fucking crybaby!"

The only reason I could think of was to tell him my wound hurt so bad that I cried. It's not like I could tell him that the baby I thought to be dead was alive.

"Please Jay... I just want to go home. I want to rest." I said weakly as he shifted his eyes to me.

Seconds later, he let out a deep sigh. He's been sighing a lot since I've met him. Somehow, I'm starting to feel sorry for him.

"Fine. You win. Let's go home."


It's midnight but I can't get myself to sleep. I keep remembering that child. I want to hold him again in my arms. I miss him.


The next day, I woke up late and saw a note on the table, seems like Jay left early for work. He cooked food for me and said on the note to reheat it. Somehow, I can't find my appetite. I know I'm hungry but I can't force myself to eat.

I sat on the sofa, my head falling back and stared at the ceiling. I remember father saying that Vegas' family had a few business branches in Korea but to think that he's actually here. His Hangul also sounded natural, as expected from a genius like him. Being the heir of Theeranyakun family, he had to learn foreign languages at a young age. After his father died, he's been super busy to a point that he never had a chance to date. Because of pressure from the company heads, he decided to marry anyone that was suitable for his position. Father talked to him and we ended up in an arranged marriage. I could still remember how my heart raced the first time we met, on our first date. He was such a gentleman. From his smile to his voice, everything about him was perfect. I didn't want the marriage but if it meant I'd be with a man like Vegas, I was willing to give up everything. That day I walked down the aisle, I totally fell for Vegas.

"Shit." I cursed as I found myself remembering Vegas once again.

I told myself that I'll live differently but why am I stuck here thinking of a man that never spared me his time.

I glanced at my phone when it rang and showed a name I've never thought of since I got home. I quickly answered it and heard a familiar voice.

"Hyung! Are you home?" He asked as an idea crossed my mind.

"Y-yeah, I'm home. Are you gonna visit me?" I asked as I thought of a way to know more about that child.

"Well... the truth is Phi told me to watch Venice. We're on our way to buy some--"

"You're with the baby!?" I exclaimed as I heard him pause.

"I-I mean, your with a baby? Can't you come visit me? I've been feeling bored since I can't leave the house until I recover." I tried to convince him.

"Well he's not a baby, he's actually very naughty." Macau said as I heard a child's voice.

"I-It's fine! I don't mind, really." I insisted as I heard him sigh.

"Well... fine. But I'm warning you, he's not like those cute and quiet children." He warned as I smiled in delight.


I quickly stood up as I heard a knock on the door. My heart raced more than it did on my wedding day as I took a deep breath before walking towards the door.

"Hyung~ I'm here~" I could hear Macau from outside as I reached for the doorknob.

I slowly opened the door and Macau stood there with sleeping child in his arms. It's him. It's that baby. It's my baby.

"H-hyung, can you take him first? I'll just get the food I bought." Macau said pulling me back to reality.

"O-oh, yeah sure." I said as I slowly carried the sleeping child in my arms.

Warm. He's so warm.

I stepped in and went straight to the sofa as I hugged him tight. I want to shout but I might wake him up. I can't help but be emotional as I held him in my arms, savoring this chance to the fullest.

"Hyung, are you okay holding him? You can just lay him on the couch." Macau said as he got in with a few plastic bags on his hand.

"N-no, it's fine. I can hold him. You can cook in the kitchen if you want." I said as he got his face near me.

"You okay hyung?" He suddenly asked as I realized that my eyes went teary and my voice turned weird.

"U-uhm, allergies. Now go and cook, I'm starving." I tried to avert his attention which thankfully worked since he went to the kitchen.


"Hyung, come on. Food's ready." Macau called from the kitchen as I got back from daydreaming.

I can't believe it's been minutes since I held this child. I want to hold him forever. I want to keep him. I looked at him once more before leaning back to look at Macau.

"Yeah, I'm ---"


I froze as I heard that angelic voice. I slowly turned to him, lips shaking and heart pounding. My eyes locked with his as he smiled at me. He rubbed his eyes with his cute little hands before staring back at me.

"Mama~" he called out once again as I felt my heart tighten, as if an arrow struck me deep.

"Oy Venice! He's not your---"

"Mama~ I'm hungwy mama~" this child said cutely as he looked at me with those puppy eyes.

"O-okay. We'll eat. Macau cooked a lot of food. Come on." I played along as he smiled brightly before nodding.


"W-wow... Am I dreaming? Hey Venice, you rascal. How come you never eat veggies when I feed them to you?" Macau asked as he looked at us.

"He doesn't?" I asked confused since he's been eating everything I fed him, from the mash potatoes to blanched beans.

"Yeah. He's actually very picky." Macau affirmed as he got a piece of string beans and reached out for the child beside me.

"No! Youw not mama!" I almost laughed at the way he crossed his arms and tilted his head away.

He's so cute!

"See? This racist rascal." Macau hissed as the child held unto my hand.

"Mama, aahh~" he said as I tried to stop myself from smiling.

"Is it good?" I asked, giving him a spoonful of rice with a little piece of scrambled egg as he quickly nodded and started chewing.

"Waah. Phi will flip if he sees this." Macau suddenly said which made me pause.

He's obviously pertaining to Vegas. I didn't want to get involved with that man but I can't help but be curious.

"Phi? His dad?" I asked as he nodded.

"Phi's a really strict person even with Venice. It's like he has a barrier and no one could understand him one bit. If only she was here..." Macau said as he stopped, looking at Venice sadly.

"She?" I asked.

"Oh, his mom." He answered as he got back to eating.

"But where is his mom?" I tried to ask though knowing what happened.

"Accident. She passed away two years ago, after Venice was born. It was a stressful time for all of us. Specially for Phi."

"Mama~" My eyes then shifted to the child that pulled my hand.

"Come to think of it... you really do look like her. No wonder Venice calls you mama." Macau commented as I fed Venice.

I've had the same reaction when I first woke up as Pete. He does resemble me in some way. He actually looks like a slightly masculine version of me.

"You're not related to her, right?" Macau suddenly asked as I looked at him.

"Who? His mom?" I asked innocently.

"Yeah. Last time we we're together, you asked a lot about Phi Khiara. You were very curious that we talked about her for almost an hour." He recalled as he smiled.

"I did?" I asked since it really felt weird.

Why was Pete asking things about Khiara? Was it just an innocent curiosity?

"Here, this is the only picture I have of her. This was taken at their wedding day." Macau said as he showed his phone screen to me.

He's right, it was on our wedding day. Vegas and I stood in the middle, Macau beside Vegas and father on my side. The picture was filled with guests and relatives, smiling and seemed so happy.

"Mama? Why aw yu cwying? Mama! Waaah~" I immediately wiped my tears as Venice cried out.

"Hyung, are you okay? Are your allergies acting up again? I didn't get any cashews though." Macau worriedly asked as he checked the food on the table.

"I-I'm fine... the wound's hurting so..." I tried to reason out as Macau calmed down.

"Mama, yu not cwying?" Venice then asked as he reached out to my face.

"No baby, I'm not crying." I answered as he wiped my cheeks with his little hands.

"Mama don't cwy. Venice will cwy if you cwy." He said as I smiled.

"Okay, I won't cry so our Venice won't cry."


The day passed by too fast and Macau had to go home since it's getting late. We waited until Venice fell asleep before heading out to their car where their driver was waiting.

If only I could keep Venice by my side. If only I could just take him with me.

I took a deep breath as I headed to my room. I laid on the bed as I stared at the pictures I took of Venice. He's so photogenic. No matter the angle, he still looks like an angel.

'Last time you we we're together, you asked a lot about Phi Khiara. You were very curious that we talked about her for almost an hour.'

Macau's words suddenly crossed my mind. I can't help but feel bothered on how Pete asked about me. Was he just another curious stranger?

I got up and shook my head to get the thought out of my mind. My head is starting to hurt just by thinking of complicated things. I need to take a shower.

"A-ah, ow..." I groaned as felt a sting on my waist, reminding me that I can't shower my body just yet.

I decided to wash my hair to relax. My shirt got wet so I had to find a shirt. I rummaged my closet since I saw a few shirts in it last time. I saw a folded black shirt on the side and grabbed it but as soon as I flipped it open, something fell on the floor. I crouched down to find a silver key.

I remembered a door beside the kitchen, by the end of the corridor. I asked Jay about it but he said it was locked. Was it this key?

I walked-ran to the door in excitement, it's as if I was playing treasure hunt all of a sudden. I got the key in the doorknob and it clicked.

"What the?" I asked myself as another door met me.

This time, the door was a metallic one with a password pad in the middle. It kind of looked like a huge vault. I let out a sigh as I lost the fun I felt. How could I even know the password, I'm not even Pete in the first place.

I was about to close the door but I stopped when I heard a high pitched tone on my right ear. I groaned in pain because it really hurts. I closed my eyes as I saw a flashback. It's this pad and a hand that's inputting a password.


I opened my eyes as I took a deep breath. I could feel cold sweat form on my neck and back. I raised my hand to input the password I saw and it opened.

A dark stairway led downstairs, a creepy stairway that is. My feet nailed to the floor as I gulped with the sight of the darkness. I looked on the right and tilted as I saw a switch. I pressed it and the dark path came to light, literally bright. Now that it looked brighter, it's definitely less scary.

I stepped down as I looked around. I'm hoping this is just some storage room but judging the password equipped door, there's definitely something here.

The smell of sweet perfume hit my glands as soon I got down. The room was dark so I searched for another switch hoping it's somewhere close. Luckily, the switch was just on the wall right after the stairs.

"Oh my..."


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