11: CLUE

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'Venice loves papa.'

The child's words kept echoing in Vegas' mind as he went through the report Arm handed him. It was the first time he heard those words from his son. Vegas had no idea that Venice would be able to say it. Thinking back, Vegas almost neglected his son in fear of losing him like how he lost Khiara. If not for Pete coming in their lives, would Vegas even have the chance to hear those words from his son?

Pete. Pete Saengtham. A man with a mysterious life that he himself can't even remember. Vegas' interest seems to grow every day that passes and he can't help but think he's actually growing a liking to the latter.

A knock from outside made Vegas turn to the door and his eyes stared as the very man he was thinking about walked in.

"V-Vegas, can we talk?" Pete asked with hesitation as he stood in front of Vegas.

Pete wore a loose but thin sweatshirt paired with a pair of pajamas. With the room smelling like soap, Vegas couldn't help but remember what happened in the shower before.

"I... I just wanted to apologize for last time. I didn't mean to say those things." Pete said in a low voice but Vegas seemed too preoccupied to even hear him.

The events from that night played in the back of Vegas' head as Pete kept talking about how wrong he was with the latter only recalling the moans and whines in his head.

"Vegas? Are you listening to me?" Pete's question made Vegas shift from staring at the latter's almost visible waist and chest to his confused face.

"What?" Vegas asked making Pete let out a sigh of annoyance.

"I should've known. I shouldn't have come here this late. You must be too tired to even hear me out. Let's just talk tomorrow." Pete said in dismay as Vegas felt a sudden panic.

"No." Vegas suddenly said making Pete stop from twisting the door knob.

Pete then turned to the latter only to be met with an even more confused look, as if Vegas didn't even know why he said that.

"Are you okay?" Pete asked as Vegas let out a sigh, trying to compose himself.

"I apologize. I... I actually wanted to have a talk with you." Vegas said as he stood from the chair and walked towards Pete.

"I talked with Felix Kang." Vegas confessed making Pete's brows furrow.

"Why?" Pete asked.

"Doctor said I have to help you so I tried finding out more about you. He aslso said that it would be easier to know more about how Pete actually is, I mean the old Pete that you can't remember." Vegas explained.

"And what did you find out?" Pete asked, also curious on what Felix had to say.

"Well... he said you were fuckbuddies." Vegas started as Pete's face quickly turned red.

Seriously? Of all things he could say to Vegas? Pete thought as he tried to calm himself down.

"You're blushing." Vegas noticed as Pete quickly covered his face.

"N-no I'm not!" Pete denied as he took as step away from the latter.

"Ah, I remember he also said that..." Vegas said, pausing as he stepped towards Pete.

"s-said what?" Pete stuttered as he stepped back.

Pete waited Vegas to answer but he just eyed on the latter as he kept walking towards him and it wasn't long when Pete felt the door against his back.

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