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"Did you wait long?" Tawan asked as he sat on the chair in front of Pete.

"No, not really." Pete answered with a smile.

Pete noticed how Tawan smiled as he looked around the restaurant.

"I hope this place is fine for you." Pete said, trying to read the latter's reaction.

"Oh, it's fine, totally fine. I just didn't expect you choose this place." Tawan said with a smile making Pete force a smile.

In all honesty, Pete was also surprised when he arrived here. Luxe Cuisine de Jade is a famous spot where celebrities often and everyone knows how hard it is to reserve a seat here. Aside from being one of the top class when it comes to culinary, the ambiance and design of the place was known to be, as the critics say it, place better than sex.

Food was later served and the two started eating as Pete tried to think of a way to bring Khiara in their topic. While thinking, Pete saw how Tawan chuckled making him curious.

"Is something funny?" Pete asked as Tawan shook his head before wiping his mouth.

"I apologize. It's just that you remind me so much of my sister." Tawan said making Pete pause, this is the chance he's been waiting for.

"Your sister?" Pete asked, hoping to drag the conversation further.

"Yeah. She also didn't like carrots and would put them aside when we eat dinner." Tawan recalled and it's when Pete realized how he'd been unconsciously pushing the carrots to the side of his plate.

This made Pete smile. Knowing he had another thing in common with her made him glad.

"You... really look like her." Tawan couldn't help but comment making Pete look back at him.

"Y-you must really adore your sister." Pete commented, trying to ease the silence between them.

Tawan then looked back to his plate as he smiled, remembering how Khiara was before.

"I loved her dearly. Not until he took her from me." Tawan said, bitterness evident by the end of his sentence.

"He?" Pete asked, though having an idea who he was pertaining to.

"Father." Tawan answered, not what Pete was expecting.

"Your father took her away?" Pete asked, trying his luck to know more.

Tawan then went silent, slicing the steak in front of him as he recalled what happened before.

"I-I'm sorry for prying into your family." Pete apologized as he noticed how Tawan seemed to avoid telling him more.

"It's fine. Maybe... we can talk about it some other time." Tawan suggested with a smile as Pete smiled back, anxious at the obvious fact that the latter plans on meeting him again.

Somehow, Pete was able to find out that Tawan's going around to represent his father in different events. This explains him meeting with Macau since he had a talk with the education department students that day.

After eating, the waiter came to serve the desserts and the two noticed an extra serving.

"I think you this isn't for us." Tawan said making the waiter check their table number.

"It's for me, actually." a voice from behind Pete said making Pete turn only to see Vegas standing behind him.

"Vegas?" Pete called with a smile, happy to see the man at first before realizing that this wasn't what they talked about.

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