16: PAST (3)

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"So... You really gonna stay here until your flight?" Tine, Pete's friend, asked as he laid on the couch while reading a manga he got from the shelf.

Pete left home two days ago and crashed in Tine's apartment unit. Tine's been friends with Pete since they were in grade school but rarely kept in touch since Pete left for Korea. However, they still have each other's backs when they're here in Thailand.

"You don't have to hide it, Tine. I know you missed me." Pete teased making the latter shake his head.

"At least cook some food, you lazy ass." Tine said before getting back on his laptop.

"Eh... But my hands awe tiwed. Make Sarawat cook when he gets here." Pete said making Tine turn to him immediately.

"What do you mean Sarawat? He doesn't stay here!" he said almost blushing making Pete roll his eyes.

"There's a spare toothbrush in the bathroom. And the boxer in the laundry basket, the red and black checkered one, I know that's not yours." Pete enumerated making Tine blush even more.

"Hey Pete. What the fuck?" Tine blurted out in embarrassment making Pete smirk.

"I'll keep your secret if you let me stay until my flight sched, my friend Tine." Pete teased as Tine let out a sigh of defeat.

Then, Pete's phone rang making him grab it from the table. Pete got up as he read the name Zeke. He sighed a deep one before answering his call.

"What?" Pete asked, trying hard to sound mad.

"Phi. I'm outside P'Tine's unit." Zeke said making Pete's eyes widen.

"What the fuck?" Pete let out before jumping up and running to the door.

Opening it, he was met with Zeke's rather sorry face.

"Phi..." Zeke called with teary eyes as he ran to hug his big brother tight.


Tine sighed for the fifth time as he looked at the teary Zeke who sat on the couch with Pete comforting him since a while back. Tine placed a cup of warm milk on the table before sitting on his swivel chair, preparing himself for the upcoming drama he's about to see.

"You, how on earth did you know that I'm here?" Pete asked.

"W-well, you don't have friends except for P' Tine so..." Zeke said making Tine laugh at what he heard and Pete raising his middle finger at him.

"And mom?" Pete asks as he remembered how she cried when he left.

"She's worried but P' Blake's with her so shell be fine." Zeke assured him as he took a sip of the warm milk.

"And you came all the way here because?" Pete asked making Zeke pause before looking at him.

"Uhm... P' Drake and I found this in mother's wallet. She said it's the only picture she had with that girl..." Zeke said as he brought out an old photo.

Pete stared at the picture of two children, holding hands under a Christmas tree with smiles on their faces. The image he only saw in his dreams were now clearer than ever. It really is Khiara.


With the help of Lucas, Pete was able to know an event that'll be held in Thailand where the Augustine family are also invited. Complete with a suit and invitation, Pete was able to enter the Gold Dust Hotel where the minister's birthday celebration was held.

Pete roamed the whole reception area to find Khiara but he couldn't find her. Then, on his way to the comfort room, he stopped when he heard a familiar voice from the hallway.

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