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Being the adopted daughter of the war hero's family, the Augustine, would be one of the greatest privilege a person could receive. It's been a custom for the family to adopt children from their distant relatives, family friends, and foundations. I'm not sure which category I fell into but I ended up being adopted by the family even before I could remember.

In the eyes of the society, me and the other adopted children were quite lucky. Living in a mansion, being served by maids, having more than enough food to eat, it was indeed heavenly. However, behind the closed doors of the family mansion, it was different.

From the time we wake up, to the time we get to bed. From what we eat to what we cannot do. From what we should learn and what we should tell other people, everything was controlled and monitored. It was like military institution for children.

I was just another child that never stood out from the pack until the young master noticed me, the only legitimate son and heir of the Augustine family. It was when I started receiving unnecessary attention and it wasn't long when father began to favor me.

I had the chance to take different classes from the bunch like ballet and music lessons. I also had the chance to learn foreign languages and more interesting subjects as I grew. I worked hard to prove that I was worth father's investments and when I turned 18, it's when father started taking me to social gatherings, introducing me as his daughter. It was also in that celebration that I first met Vegas.

He wore a crimson red suit which definitely stood out from the crowd. At the party, we had a chance to be introduced to each other because of father who knew his family. I was absolutely confused at how I felt for Vegas at that time. He did look dashing but what I felt was more than just mere admiration, it was definitely love at first sight.

After a few years, I was then set to marry Vegas and I was very happy. Though the Augustine relatives weren't that happy for me, I was still elated to leave the mansion.

I could still remember how I walked down the isle, smiling back at the familiar faces and almost tearing up when I saw Vegas smiling.

I wanted to be happy. I really thought I could be happy. However, it was just a delusion.

The man I deemed as my salvation only saw me as a woman whom he needed to be with. He never hurt me physically but the cold treatment I received hurt more than any physical pain.

I've tried so hard to win him over within the years that we were together but everything was worthless. I hated him every day that passed but I couldn't deny how I loved him either way.

But why... why is the man I've been trying so hard to avoid in my house?


After passing out at the cafe, I woke up in my room with Macau at my bedside. Turned out that he brought me home from MoonBux. As thankful as I was, there was one thing that made me wish that I haven't seen him at all.

The very moment I opened my eyes, Macau was quick to inform me that his brother wanted to talk to me about Venice. I told Macau that I won't have time to meet his brother but I didn't expect that he was already in my livingroom, waiting for me to wake up.

"Uhm... Phi, this is Pete hyung. Hyung, this is my brother, Phi Vegas." Macau introduced as I stood a few steps away from the sofa where Vegas sat, looking as dashing as I remembered.

"Let's get to the point, I need you Mr. Saengtham." my brows furrowed as I heard what Vegas said making me turn to Macau with a confused expression, what does he mean?

"Ah--well... Venice has been-uhm... he's been looking for you since the day we visited and... he's been really stubborn about seeing you again, hyung." Macau tried to explain as I tilted my head with what I heard.

"What?" escaped my lips as I looked back at Vegas who looked rather unbothered.

"Pete Saengtham, 26, originally from Thailand but moved to Korea to study and a recent car accident caused you to lose your memory." Vegas began saying as he placed a white folder on the coffee table.

I felt alarmed at how much he knew about me so I quickly got the folder and read it. My eyes widened as I read the content, it's everything about Pete. From Pete's family members to his recent social media activities, everything is listed.

"You had me investigated?" I hissed as I turned to Macau who was quick to avoid my gaze.

"I see you're a normal influencer who has no connection to us but... I still had to make sure that you didn't approach Venice intentionally." Vegas added which made me feel frustrated.

"What? Why the hell would I intentionally approach a child?" I snapped.

"H-hyung, please don't be mad. Phi didn't mean anything else. I already explained everything about you and-and he just wanted to make sure. Please hear us out, hyung." I heard Macau say as I felt more agitated but as soon as I saw his frantic face, I suddenly felt bad.

Even for a short time, I know how much Macau cares for Pete and I know he won't do anything to make his hyung mad. Seeing Macau panic like this makes me feel guilty.

Letting out a sigh, I patted Macau's head as he looked at me. Though I'm still frustrated with what's happening, I still tried to smile to assure him that everything's fine.

"Why don't you wait outside, hm? Hyung wants to talk with your brother about what's happening." I requested Macau and I quickly saw how his eyes shook, as if contemplating on what to do.

"It'll be fine, Macau. I just want to talk with him." I repeated as he bit his lip before letting out a sigh.

"F-fine. Phi, don't be mean to my hyung or else... I won't forgive you." Macau threatened before finally heading out as I followed him with my eyes.

"Seems like you have everyone wrapped around your finger, Mr. Saengtham." I heard Vegas say making me roll my eyes before taking a stool chair and placing it opposite to where he sat.

"Get to the point. What do you want?" I asked, trying hard to act indifferent.

"I need you to be with Venice. I don't know what you did but he seemed to fancy you to the point that he won't eat anything unless he sees you." Vegas started and I tried to stop myself from worrying since he might see right through me.

Seriously? Is he blind not to see Pete's resemblance of Khiara? Or it has been too long since Khiara died that he even forgot his wife's appearance? I really want to slap him on the face.

"You need me to babysit a child I don't even know?" I tried to act cold though I really want to go running to Venice's comfort.

"You can put it that way. It won't be free, of course."

I closed my eyes with his ever boastful and over confident tone, it makes me sick that nothing has changed after all.

"I don't need your money." I said since it's true.

The Saengtham family business is doing well and I've been receiving my allowance from them since I got out of the hospital. He can't pay me if I don't need it so this means I have the upper hand in this transaction.

"Right. You don't. But your family does." Vegas suddenly said as I felt my heart skip.

"What do you mean?" I asked as he
let out a smirk.

"Seems like you don't know what's going on. Your brother lost a deal and somehow ended up loaning too much of what he actually needed. It's been quite a topic actually, how the Saengtham family is struggling for the first time."

That can't be true. Mother wouldn't lie about what's happening, right?

"You can call them if you don't believe me." Vegas suggested as I glared at him before standing up and going to the bedroom.

As soon as I closed the door, I grabbed my phone and dialed mother's number. After a few rings, she finally answered.

"M-mom, hey." I greeted as I tried to think of a way to ask her about what Vegas said.

"Yes honey, you called?" she asked as I took a deep breath, I have to know the truth.

"Mom, is... everything okay? I mean... is the family business doing okay?" I asked and an eerie silence could be heard from the other line.

"Mom?" I called out hoping what I thought was wrong, that everything I heard from Vegas was wrong.

"I... I'm sorry honey. I didn't want to burden you by telling you anything." she finally confessed as I felt a striking pain in my head, this can't be happening.

"B-but don't worry about it. Your brother's about to close a deal with the Wangs and once it's done, business will flow as usual. Just... just don't think about it and focus on regaining your memory, hm?"

The Wangs, she said? It's worse than I thought. The Wangs are known as one of the silent traiders in the textile business. Not only do they have the largest textile manufacturing company but they're also a very close ally of the Theerapanyakul family, Vegas' family.

Though Philip Wang, the current family head, is known for his tyranny, he still considers Vegas' late father as one of their benefactors and everyone knows how much Philip respects Vegas more than anyone.

If Pete's brother is making a deal with the Wangs, it means that Vegas has the authority to null everything in a snap of his fingers. Vegas is clearly showing how much control he has over the situation, I should've known. Even in the past, he would never take deals that he won't win and I'm having a first-hand experience of his infamous strategy.

My breathing went heavy as I tried to think of what to do, I need to calm down. I sat on the edge of the bed as and placed my hand on my heaving chest, something's wrong with my body. I checked my pulse and it's gone irregular. I could also feel my body sweat abnormally and I'm starting to feel nauseas. This is bad. I'm having a panic attack.

My hands automatically reached out to the top drawer on my bedside and pulled out a medicine bottle. The memory of me taking a pill from it flashed in the back of my mind making me do the same. After taking a pill, I sat on the bed and tried to calm down, taking deep breaths making me feel more eased.


"Hyung? Hyung! Are you okay?" I could hear Macau's voice from the door as he knocked.

I opened my eyes before glancing at my phone, seems like I've been out for a few minutes. That explains Macau being outside my door and his frantic voice. Letting out a sigh, I got up before opening the door.

"Hyung!" Macau almost shouted as soon as he saw me.

"I'm okay. I just wanted to confirm something." I said as I made my way to the livingroom but Vegas wasn't there.

"Uhm, Phi left a few minutes ago. H-he also said that he'll wait for your answer until tomorrow morning." Macau hesitantly informed me.

It's clear that I don't have much choice. The consequence of declining Vegas will do too much for Pete's family. On the brighter side, I can finally be with Venice.

Venice... my baby...

"Macau... I need some time alone." I said, feeling tired with everything that's happened this day.

"I understand hyung. Please call me if you need anything and... please forgive my brother's rudeness. He's really a great guy, just a little... uhm..." Macau paused making me chuckle at how hard he's trying to justify his brother's personality.

"It's fine, Macau." I said with an assuring smile.


"What? What do you mean you had a job offer?" Jay asked with his brows furrowed, as expected.

I didn't want to tell him about what happened with Vegas and decided to lie about having a job offer after having dinner. With me sitting on the sofa and him at the kitchen counter, his frustrated voice echoed in the whole house.

"It's about time I make a living of my own. I can't just ask my family for money forever." I explained as his lips pursed, looking displeased at my sudden decision.

"What's wrong with that? They're your family so it's just right that they support you. You can't even drive your way to the studio and now you want to work? Are you kidding me? What if you have another accident? Or worse!" He began nagging making me close my eyes.

"I'm not gonna die!" I exclaimed in annoyance.

"But you almost did! For the last fucking time, why are you so stubborn!" Jay's tone made me flinch in surprise, I could tell he's really furious.

"I'm not Jungwoon!" Suddenly broke from my lips and I could see how Jay paused.

Jungwoon? Who on earth is Jungwoon?

"What?" I heard him ask but I bit the back of my cheek, where the hell did that name even come from?

Silence filled the space between us as I tried to think of what to say. I have no idea how I know that name but judging from Jay's reaction, it seems like I hit something. Whoever this Jungwoon is, maybe I can use it to make Jay stop.

"So you remember him now?" Jay suddenly said with a lower tone as I heard him step towards me.

"I don't know. I just know that I'm not him so stop acting like this." I randomly said as I avoided his gaze, hoping I made sense with why I blurted out.

A few seconds later, I heard Jay let out a sigh making me look at him. He stood just a few steps from me with his hands clutched into a fist while looking away from me.

"That's right. I'm sorry for overstepping my boundaries. You can do whatever you want. I'm leaving." Jay said with a hint of frustration.

I felt heavy. Hearing Jay's words aren't easy as I expected. I thought parting with him would be easy since I don't even know him personally but somehow, I still feel bad. He has been helping me since I woke up in Pete's body but I have to do this if I want to be with Venice.

I sat quiet as I heard Jay packing in the room he stayed it. I know he didn't have much stuff and it won't be long before he leaves. It's just strange how I felt eased with the thought of him leaving.

Was it because we're strangers in the first place as Khiara? Or did Pete just felt indifferent with him in the past? Either way, the point that Jay is leaving means I have no more reasons to think twice about Vegas' offer.


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