14: PAST (1)

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Pete woke up from another dream, that same dream he's been having since he was a kid. With his hands on his face, Pete tried to ignore it like he's always done in the past years.

The 17-year-old Pete is currently in Korea to pursue his studies. He's always dreamed of coming to Korea since he could remember and he has no plans of going back to Thailand.


"Oh come on Pete. I promise you'll have fun. There'll be a lot of girls and fancy food. Come with me, hm?" Lucas, his friend and classmate has been pestering him to attend a gathering for a week now.

"I told you, I have plans." Pete repeated that same answer he's been telling him.

"Ugh, that shooting club again? You can't even meet girls there, you know." Lucas said making Pete chuckle at his childish reasoning.

The two made their way to the locker to get changed for their next class and as usual, Pete still gets those looks of admiration from both men and women.

"Ah, last year, I saw someone who looked like you." Lucas suddenly remembered making Pete stop from tying his shoelace.

"What?" Pete asked.

"Funny thing is, I even called her your name hahaha. That was so embarrassing." Lucas chuckled before turning to Pete with a sudden idea.

"Hey, you know people say that people who look alike tend to have the best chemistry. She's also from Thailand!" Lucas said in excitement as Pete looked at him confused.

"Does she really look like me?" Pete asked once again as Lucas tried to remember.

"Yeah, like really-really. I told her that she looked like my friend but she laughed it off saying that Thai people usually look alike. Well, she's not wrong though. But having the same looks as you, I'm kinda thinking you're related hahaha." Lucas joked but Pete was serious about this matter.

"When is it again?" Pete asked as Lucas looked at him in shock.

"You're interested? Yes!" Lucas exclaimed in excitement.

With Lucas dragging Pete to the shop he often goes to, the two went to the gathering wearing labeled suits that made them look older than their age. It turned out to be an assembly man's daughter's birthday celebration and a lot of people really came. However, Pete couldn't seem to find the girl Lucas was referring to. This made him feel annoyed and receiving too much attention drains the hell out of him.

Trying to escape those interested gazes, Pete decided to get some fresh air. Finding an empty veranda, Pete went there only to see that it was raining outside.

"It's finally raining." a girl's voice commented making Pete smile from how happy she sounded.

People don't usually like the rain for different reasons and Pete is one of them. Others may find comfort from the sound of it but Pete couldn't. The nightmares always make his way everytime it rains. Then again, he can't just tell people that he hates it.

"You seem to like the rain." Pete asked, his eyes staring into the city lights as raindrops showered.

"I find it very comforting." the girl answered with a giggle making Pete let out a chuckle.

Turning to his right, Pete was stunned as he stared at the girl beside him. She wore a silver dress and had her hair tied to a bun, her eyes glimmered as she stared into the city.

"Y-you..." Pete mumbled making the girl turn to him before having that same stunned reaction.

The two stared at each other's face for a good while, as if trying to figure out how this could happen. They look so similar indeed and one can even mistake them as twins.

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