8: SHOWER (+18)

603 45 2

(***= Third Person POV)

"You're still a heartless monster..."

Pete's words echoed on repeat in Vegas' head as he stared blankly at the glass of wine he just emptied. Vegas heard those words before but he never expected to hear them again from a stranger. A stranger. He can't even be sure if he should consider Pete a stranger with that familiar face.

Letting out a sigh, Vegas found himself walking out the study room and standing in front the door he barely walked through. Vegas opened the door and the smell of baby powder was quick to hit his nose. Remaining unnoticed, Vegas stood just beside the sleeping child. Staring at Venice, Vegas was again reminded of Khiara.

As cold as he seemed, Vegas is still human. He wanted to be just like other people, having a family and being happy. He wanted to hold his son in his arms and make him feel loved but...

'You will never be happy.'

'Everyone you'll love will live in misery and it's all because of you.'


'Stay away from me!'

Vegas flinched as he realized his hand reaching out to touch his son's face. No matter how hard he fights, the past keeps haunting him and what happened to Khiara is the mere proof that he will never be happy. That he will surely lose everyone he'll ever hold dearly.


Vegas slowly closed the door to Venice's room and thought of leaving until he saw Pete's door. Thinking that it's the wine he drank, he felt guilty at what he did to Pete. Then again, it was just a test.

Was he too much? Was testing his loyalty too much?

Questions began filling Vegas' mind and he didn't even notice when he already reached Pete's room. Opening the door after a few minutes of contemplation, Vegas saw the room was empty.
Did he leave? What if Venice wakes up and he's gone?

For some reason, Vegas began to panic at the possibility of Pete disappearing.

"Pete? Pete!" Vegas called out as he flipped the sheets and opened the drawers, as if Pete would be there.

"Pete! Pe—"

Vegas stopped as soon as he entered the bathroom and saw Pete on the shower floor, water dripping on his naked body.

"V... Vegas... help..." Pete managed to call out as Vegas ran to him.

"Pete? What are you doing!?" Vegas exclaimed as he stood in front of the naked man.

"I... help... help me..." Pete repeated as he tried to reach out to Vegas.

Trying to understand what was happening, Vegas leaned to turn off the shower but was caught off guard when Pete suddenly wrapped his arms around his neck.

"H-hey Pete! Let go!" Vegas struggled and tried to push Pete away but froze when he felt something with his hand.

Slowly looking down, Vegas was sure of what he saw. The bathroom was filled with the scent of conditioner and he finally found out where the scent was coming from. Pete sat there under the shower with his erection in full salute and spilled conditioner all over his lower body.

"Vegas... help me..." Pete again moaned and it was too late for Vegas to realize what was happening.

Pulling Vegas closer and under the shower, Pete kissed him on the lips and it wasn't a playful kiss. It was wet and aggressive.

"P-Pete-stop—hmp!" Vegas tried to stop him but with the wine in his system, he can't even pull himself away.

It's weird. Vegas has had people coming in and out of his den for sexual pleasure but this is the first time he's actually feeling excitement. Thinking back, him and Khiara only had sex in an attempt to bear Venice. Vegas never thought that the mere touch of someone similar to his wife would make him feel this anxious. Was it really that? Was it the only reason behind his excitement?

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