2 - Rui

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I've decided to put the POV in the name of each chapter.
Also, sorry for not updating often...

As for the timeline, this chapter starts at some point in between the first chapter and the extra chapter in Second Chances. Or about a week after the first chapter of this story.

Laughter filled my ears as Dak- no, Ume, slapped her brother in the face with a pillow. In turn, he yanked it out of her grasp and tossed another to me, which I hoisted above my head and brought down on the center of Ume's back.

"I thought you were on my team, Rui!" She whined, fending off another bat from Gyutaro.

"No way he'd side with you over me," the older snapped, hitting her twice more in rapid succession.

They're impossible, even after being reborn. I thought, retreating back to my makeshift bed to rest for a moment. The pillow fighting game had occupied the better part of the night, an act neither Douma or Akaza would approve. But who said they had to know?

The siblings noticed me sit down, and they calmed down a bit so I wouldn't feel left out. One of the things I hated about being human again was that the strong, able body I had gained from Kibutsuji's blood was gone. Now I was back on square one, a weak child who couldn't keep up with kids younger than him. I hated that the lively pair had to tone it down around me, that I was holding them back.

Sure, transforming into a human had seemed great at first, I no longer had to eat human flesh and could be around them safely, I could live a normal life as a son and as a friend, and people didn't fear me anymore. Part of my decision to follow the Uppermoons was influenced by my connection to my new dads. They were the first real family I had after I murdered my biological one, and I didn't want to lose them.

But I missed being able to jump and run, climb and walk, play and stay outside as long as I wanted. I missed knowing that I could defend myself, that with a twitch of my fingers, I could slice my enemies into bits with webs.

A gentle touch to my shoulder brought be back from the depths of my thoughts, and I jerked my head up to look into the bright blue eyes in front of me.

"Rui, are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine, just a bit tired." I mumbled.

Ume smiled, glancing towards Gyutaro. "It is a bit late, we should probably get to sleep so his parents don't kill us," she giggled.

The boy rolled his eyes. "Douma-san and Akaza-san wouldn't hurt kids, Ume. Don't be dumb."


"Shhhhh! You're going to wake up your parents!" I hissed, flopping down onto my back and closing my eyes. "I'm going to go to sleep."

I could tell the two exchanged a glance. My bad mood wasn't a total surprise, but it confused them nonetheless. Guilt crept up into my head. I shouldn't project on them like this, they're not the Gyutaro and Daki I used to know. They're kids, they don't understand.

Slowly the house shut down, lights flickering out and quiet whispers dying out. When Gyutaro's breathing grew slow and steady  next to me, I stood up silently and left the room.

Creeping past Ume's room, I slipped through the kitchen and out the front door without a sound. The new moon granted me no light, so I made do with the guidance of fireflies down the wide road to the park. Anyone who looked out their window would see a ten year old child walking down the street alone, eyes focused on his hands.

I noted with little regret that I had forgotten to put on shoes before I came outside. Small bits of gravel dug into the soles of my feet, an unwelcome reminder of my time on Mount Natagumo. How long had I spent there? A couple years? Decades? The bits and pieces of my mind couldn't put together how long I had lived on the mountain with my spider 'family'. It's not like it mattered to anyone.

And it certainly didn't mean anything to me.

I sat down on the park bench with a long sigh, allowing my eyes to slide shut for a minute. The cool breeze blew my hair gently, brushing some strands across my face.

My heavy-lidded eyes opened a crack, and I stared down at my fingertips with a tiny pull of longing. I held my hands out with my fingers splayed, like I was shooting thick strings of webs.

As expected, nothing.

Pulling down the sleeves of my yukata to cover my hands, I curled up with my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs, shutting my eyes once more.

Short chapter lol, sorry about that. Idk when I'll publish the next one, but I hope it'll be soon!

Happy thanksgiving to anyone celebrating it! I'm thankful for you all reading my story and being great people.

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