12 - Kokushibo

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Turns out, living with three young demonslayers wasn't so bad. Of course, Inosuke was a challenge, and Zenitsu was unsettlingly attached to Nezuko, who wasn't even in the house. Tanjiro was normal, at least, but I found him familiar in a way that put me off. I knew him so well, but I couldn't recall ever getting to know the child. Aside from all their quirks, the three were quite helpful, even making good on their promise to stay out of the way when it was necessary.

They were okay with spending time around me, but when I led Muzan out of his room for some fresh air, the level of tension in the room shot sky-high.

'They still hate me.'

What did you expect, a party?

Inosuke's calm attitude snapped, he let out a screech and flung himself at the former demon king. I knocked him away just as fast, glaring at the boar child, and in turn, his friends.

"Does anyone else want to senselessly attack him?" I asked, annoyance bleeding through my voice.

Tanjiro shook his head. "No, no one is going to hurt anyone." He turned to Inosuke. "Come over here for a second, I need to talk to you."

"I'm not a CHILD!!"

The red-head dragged Inosuke outside by the back of his mask to go talk. That left Zenitsu sitting on the floor alone in the room with us.

I had Muzan sit down on the couch, making sure he was comfortable before I stepped into the kitchen to make breakfast. Through the deafening silence in the house, I could hear Tanjiro lecturing his friend. And as I was cutting up some vegetables, Zenitsu spoke up.

"A-are you- are you okay?"

Muzan stared at him with confusion. "What?"

Me, knowing his paranoia of death, set down the knife and listened more intently.

"Your, um, heartbeat. It sounds..." he shook his head rapidly. "It doesn't sound normal."

Kibutsuji took a deep, shaky breath in, looking away. "I'm fine. That's just how it is now."

"Really? I- uh, does it hurt?"

"Sometimes." He responded through gritted teeth.

I strode back in, crouching in front of the shorter man. "Are you okay," I whispered. "You can go lay back down if you want."

A single shake of his head told me no. "I can stay here. Just- don't leave."

He'd been acting strange since last night, but this was new. Since when did Muzan want me close to him?

"I'll be in the kitchen, I need to finish making breakfast." I pat the top of his leg gently. "I'm right here if you need m- anything."

I almost slipped up and said if he needed me.

He doesn't need me. I'm only here to keep an eye on him. Even though the thoughts were solidified in my brain, my heart screamed otherwise. We're meant to be on the same side, heart. Work with me here.

The smell of burning food wafted in from the kitchen, and I cursed loudly as I rushed to fix it. Nothing like a good distraction.

Speaking of distractions, who the hell is knocking at the door? Did those problem children lock themselves out?

Making sure the fire under the pot was out, I walked over to the front door and slid it open, revealing Douma standing at the door with Tanjiro and Inosuke.

"Kokushibo-san!" He clapped a few times. "It's so nice to see you!"

"You saw me a few days ago, Douma."

"It feels longer than that," his smile got bigger. "There was something I wanted to ask you, actually."

I sighed. "Alright. You two," I pointed at Tanjiro and Inosuke. "Go help your friend with breakfast." When they were inside and the door was slid shut once more, I turned back to the blonde in front of me. "What is it?"

Douma fiddled with his ring for a moment. "Rui is going to go to Mount Natagumo with his friends in about a week."

"Good for him, he's getting out more. And?"

"Nothing about this seems a bit strange to you?"

I internally rolled my eyes, placing a hand on the man's shoulder. "Look, I know you're his parent, and you want him to be safe, but it's just a trip with his friends. They know about his condition, right?"

He nodded.

"Then you have nothing to worry about."

"But what if something happens? There are still demons on that mountain!"

I opened the door a crack and called Tanjiro over. The teenager listened to Douma's perspective, tried to calm him, and when that didn't work, he offered to go with them to keep the demons away.

"Aren't you three meant to stay here? I don't think those two will be able to keep it together without you here." I asked.

"They'll be fine. I trust Zenitsu and Inosuke." He paused. "And I trust you."

I hummed. "That's nice."


Tanjiro had only just left to go get to know Rui and his friends better, and the house had already become less warm. Not only had Inosuke pulled his swords on me three times in the past hour, but Zenitsu looked like he was genuinely about to die. Both of them were worried about Tanjiro's idea to return to Mount Natagumo with Rui, with their own little ways of showing it.

Zenitsu was just being obviously terrified, and Inosuke would stare dejectedly at the floor, and when asked if he was okay, he would flip out and deny he was upset. Eventually, I had to use one of their crows to send Tanjiro a message to come back.

If these two can't handle three hours without him, there's no way they'll survive three days.

As soon as the hanafuda child stepped through the door, I took Muzan back to his room. He had been looking worse than usual, so I decided he probably needed some rest.

However, as we were walking down the short hallway, his legs gave out underneath him. I reached out and caught him with an arm around his back, and quickly scooped him up to carry the rest of the way. He wrapped his arms around my neck, yet another surprise.

You sure are full of surprises today, Kibutsuji.

'Whatever happened to Muzan?'

Would you prefer I call you by your first name more often?


Upon setting him down on the mattress, Muzan let go and stared at his trembling legs, eyes full of fear and hate.

"I- I don't want this," he whispered. His voice shook, and I was shocked to see him crying. Completely out of my element, I tentatively placed my hand over his. Apparently that was the only thing he needed to break, as he immediately crumbled onto my chest, dissolving into quiet sobs.

I wrapped my arms around his thin body, closing my eyes and resting my head in his hair. He continued to cry, trembling violently.

"It's going to be okay, Muzan." I mumbled as he began to wind down.

He didn't respond, just lightly gripped my yukata in his hands. "Please.. don't leave this time, Koku."

The use of the nickname stunned me for a moment, but I pulled myself together enough to come up with something to say. I placed a light kiss on the top of his head, reassuring him quietly.

"You don't have to worry about that. I'm not going anywhere."

I.... Don't have much to say about this chapter.

Yes, I loved writing it.
Yes, I think it's adorable.
Yes, I can't wait to see how people react.
Yes, I can legally tell you that there is big drama coming soon.

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