15 - Kokushibo

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This chapter begins after chapter 13

Sorry if this chapter seems a bit choppy or out of place/strange, it took a bit of thinking to finally get right.

Muzan has been acting strange since this morning. He'd become more stressed, defensive, and quieter. I tried to get him to talk to me about whatever was bothering him, but he waved me away, claiming he was fine. Nothing about his behavior seemed fine, but I played along, knowing he'd turn to me eventually. So instead, I sharpened my katana, read a book, and tidied up around the the house. Normal everyday things.

Just like I thought, around noon, he called me over to his room to talk. The second I walked through the doorway, he spilled his concerns.

"I think Upper Five is in trouble," he said, running one hand through his black hair.

I wrinkled my nose at the old title. "Not a twelve kizuki, not a demon. Use his name."

"Okay. Rui is in trouble."

"What makes you think that?"

"I- his mind is a mess. No coherent thoughts, just strong emotions."

"So he's feeling things. That doesn't seem that bad."

"He's sad. He's angry, torn, frustrated, sick. Name more negative adjectives, I'm sure I can find them in there."

That was concerning, and just as strange as the fact that Muzan actually seemed to care. Sure, he played favorites, but never cared much about our well-being.

"Why tell me? Why not Douma or Akaza? They are his parents, after all."

My question warranted no answer for a moment, only a light blush on Kibutsuji's face.

"Because I trust you more."

I ignored the warmth that I knew was creeping onto my own cheeks. "You trust me with the child more than his parents."

"No- it-" he groaned. "It's complicated." He just sat there silently, thinking.

I could tell Muzan was hiding something from me. If he was this concerned, then there must be something very wrong with the little boy. On top of that, something he didn't want Douma or Akaza to know about.

"Well, it's not like I can just get to Mount Natagumo within the next hour."

"I know that," Muzan spoke through gritted teeth, "but it wouldn't hurt to check in on him."

"Would you relax if I went?"

He nodded slowly, confirming my statement.

I frowned slightly, Rui wasn't my responsibility, yet I was still going to go. Solely because Kibutsuji asked me to.


"What is this?"

I stared down at Rui unbelievingly, trying to process what I was seeing. His skin and hair were white, red marks dotting his face around his red and blue eyes.

What the FUCK did you do to Rui, I growled silently, addressing Muzan. Do not ignore me.

'I... pointed him in the right direction.'

I regretted raising my mind-voice at him, and subsequently apologized, which he accepted kindly.

"I'm all better," the small demon responded, his voice cracking sadly. "I can be normal now! But I can't at the same time, because I'm a demon again and everything is awful."

Sucking in a breath, I stepped closer to him so I was standing in front of the boy. "What happened?"

He opened his mouth, hesitated, and closed it again.

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