23 - Many POVs

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Okay, so this chapter will be a bit chaotic with povs, I'll be resorting back to the pov notes I used in Second Chances to tell you when they switch, and to who. Let me know if there's any confusion I can fix.

Enmu's POV
"You don't have to stand there, you know," Kibutsuji told me.

We were hiding in a small wooden shed, with the doors pulled shut. The stench of blood and death hung heavily in the air, making me sick to my stomach.

"I don't mind!" I chirped, making sure the man- demon? cannibal? couldn't tell what I was feeling. He eyed me for a second longer, then tugged the dead body in front of him so it was out of my view. Turning back away and facing the far wall, he began to eat. The quiet crunches and sounds of the sword-man being devoured were making me slightly uncomfortable.

Don't react, don't react, don't react.

The strange thing was, I hadn't felt anything when Kibutsuji had killed the man. Something tucked deep inside me, hidden from my consciousness, was used to the idea of killing. It knew the nice man with red eyes, even though I did not. I'd never seen him before that day in my life. Or, someone had, and I had their memories somehow.

This feels like a dream.

"Kibutsuji-san, if you don't mind me asking, why do you eat people?"

There was a noticeable hesitation before he spoke. "It is the only thing I can eat."


"Because I'm not human."

"I knew that, but what are you?" I didn't want to make him mad, but I was curious.

"A demon."

Yet another statement that didn't bother me. Why? I pulled my pendulum out of my pocket, holding it tightly in one hand. "Can I be a demon too? So I can stay with you longer?"

Kibutsuji shook his head. "No. I can't turn you. Not yet at least. I'm not powerful enough."

"Then can I come with you wherever you're going next? I promise I won't fall behind."

Wiping his bloodstained mouth, he examined me from the corner of his eye. Probably considering his options.


A happy smile formed on my face. "This really is like a dream!"

Muzan's POV
I guess some demons never change, I thought. Enmu was practically the exact same as in his previous life, just a lot younger. And what better place to start gathering supporters than with someone who worshiped me?

I took another bite of the dead slayer's arm, cruel joy flowing through me as the warm blood filled my mouth.

Truth be told, a small part of me wanted to let the kid live his own life, and not be dragged down by following me. But I quickly stamped it out. I need to remember that what they need doesn't matter. The only important thing right now is staying alive long enough to get stronger. It doesn't matter who I destroy along the way.

The soft, fluffy Muzan inside me recoiled at the thought. I could imagine it as another, smaller me, staring at my face in horror. I glared at the weak version of me.

You're a demon, just like me. A few months ago, you didn't exist. So don't look at me like what I'm thinking is so horrible. I told it.

Throwing one last look of sadness in my direction, it disappeared, leaving me feeling cold and empty.

That was strange.

Rui's POV (also, rewind time a bit so that it's about mid-day)
The faint rumbling of the train surrounded us as it left the station, taking us back home. Hinoto was sitting next to me, and Kinoe and Sakura were in front of us. I think Hinoto chose the seat behind them on purpose, so they couldn't see him holding my hand.

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